论文题目:Reciprocity in political networks: Hometown ties and intercity investment in China
We employ a unique dataset on Chinese firm registration to examine how hometown ties in political networks affect capital allocation. We use a quasi-experimental design that relies on the relocation of officials across Chinese cities. The results indicate that hometown ties between city party secretaries increase city-dyad investment by 10% and firm registrations by 1%. They also suggest the effects are greater between distant city pairs and stronger for investment by small firms. Additionally, entering firms survive for a longer time. Comparing the effects before and after the Chinese anti-corruption campaign, we provide suggestive evidence that these results reveal the rent-seeking activity by officials.
主讲人简介:刘宇,复旦大学经济学院副教授,主要研究方向是发展经济学和公共经济学。文章发表在Journal of International Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Banking and Finance,在复旦大学教授微观经济学,发展经济学,以及全球化与中国三门课程。