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管理学workshop:Platform Governance: An Organizational Economics Perspective
发布日期:2022-05-13 12:00 来源:
主题:Platform Governance: An Organizational Economics Perspective
主讲人:Tony Tong (University of Colorado)
时间:2022/5/13 9:00 am -10:30 am
会议方式: 会议号:836 2966 3075;密码:989487
ZOOM链接: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83629663075?pwd=UVN0VWlaNlpYT0xQbzZmLzQraU5mZz09
Many of the most valuable established firms (e.g., Apple) and startups (e.g., Xiaomi) base their business on a digital platform. What can a platform company do to orchestrate the value creation activities of semi-autonomous complementors that are critical to the vibrancy and success of a platform? How does a platform company shape its relationship with complementors and capture value in the process? The speaker will present his recent work and views on the relationship between the platform owner and complementors, from an organizational economics perspective.Biography:
Tony Tong is Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship in the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado. Currently he serves as the Interim Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Research. His research on strategy, innovation, and globalization examines digital platforms, open source innovation, interfirm relationships, intellectual property rights, and multinational enterprises. His interdisciplinary research has won the 2011 SMS Conference Best Paper Prize, 2020 ICIS Conference Best Short Paper Award, and the 2021 Best Paper Award of the Journal of Management in Engineering. He has been the Principal Investigator of two National Science Foundation Awards. He is a cofounder of the Chinese Patent Data Project and a high-tech startup.如有问题请联系侯老师hh@nsd.pku.edu.cn,孙同学sxiaoyan@pku.edu.cn
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