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微观理论workshop:Seeding a Simple Contagion
发布日期:2022-04-28 12:00 来源:
主讲人: Evan D. Sadler (Assistant Professor, Columbia University)
主持老师: (经院)吴泽南、石凡奇;(国发院)胡岠
参与老师: (经院)胡涛、吴泽南、石凡奇;(国发院)汪浩、胡岠
会议号:859 0355 3452
This paper introduces a methodology for selecting seeds to maximize contagion using a coarse categorization of individuals. Within a large and flexible class of random graph models, I show how to compute a seed multiplier for each category---the average number of new infections a seed generates---and I propose randomly seeding the category with the highest multiplier. Relative to existing methods for targeted seeding, my approach requires far less computing power---the problem scales with the number of categories, not the number of individuals---and far less data---all we need are estimates for the first two moments of the degree distribution within each category and aggregated relational data on connections between individuals in different categories. I validate the methodology through simulations using real network data.
Evan D. Sadler is an assistant professor of economics at Columbia University. Prior to joining Columbia, He was a post doctoral fellow at Harvard University, with a joint appointment at JPAL at MIT. Evan D. Sadler rceived his PhD in information systems from New York University's Stern School of Business in 2015. Prior to begining at Stern, He spent two years as an analyst at Cornerstone Research. He earned his bachelor's degree in mathematics from Princeton University in 2009. His research focuses on two main areas. One is the economics of networks, where he is particularly interested in how behaviors and information spread through social ties. He seek to better understand how the structure of social networks influences the aggregation of information, the diffusion of innovations, and incentives to share or gather information. A second area is incentives within organizations. Here, his interests lie mostly in incentives for innovation and experimentation.
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