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微观理论workshop:Information Revelation and Signaling in Elimination Contests
发布日期:2022-04-07 12:00 来源:
主讲人: 王汝渠 (浙江大学经济学院教授)
主持老师: (经院)吴泽南、石凡奇;(国发院)胡岠
参与老师: (经院)胡涛、吴泽南、石凡奇;(国发院)汪浩、胡岠
会议号:821 5017 2810
This seminar contains two related papers in elimination contests. In the first paper, we focus on contests in the form of all-pay auctions. We investigate how information revelation rules affect the existence and the efficiency of equilibria in two-round elimination contests. We establish that no symmetric separating equilibrium exists under the full revelation rule and find that the non-existence result is very robust. We then characterize a partially efficient separating equilibrium under the partial revelation rule when player valuations are uniformly distributed. We finally investigate the no revelation rule and find that it is both most efficient and optimal in maximizing the total efforts from the contestants. Within our framework, more information revelation leads to less efficient outcomes.
In the second paper, we examine the signaling effect in a two-round
elimination general Tullock contests. Efforts in the first round are observed by all players and can signal players' private information which is useful in the second round contest. When the second round contest sensitivity is higher than a cutoff, there exists no completely separating equilibrium; when it is lower than the cutoff, then under some regularity conditions, the equilibrium is completely separating. Comparing to the benchmark model where private information automatically becomes common knowledge right before the start of the second round, strong players would over-bid and weak players would under-bid; the presence of signaling effect causes the first round bidding function steeper for high valuations and flatter for low valuations.
王汝渠教授长期从事信息经济学方面的研究,在拍卖理论、竞赛理论、机制设计等研究中取得成果,并在《American Economic Review》、《Journal of Economic Theory》、《Games and Economic Behavior》等经济学期刊上发表。目前在浙江大学与数位青年教师组成科研团队,研究中国经济中的博弈问题,其中包括航空业的发展和飞行员的供需平衡,中国稀土的开采和保护战略,产业链和产业结构等等。
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