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管理学workshop:Unpacking the Process of Resource Allocation within an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
发布日期:2022-03-18 12:00 来源:
主题:Unpacking the Process of Resource Allocation within an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
时间:2022/3/18 10 am-11:30 am
会议方式: 会议号:948 7381 7175;密码:539990
ZOOM链接: https://zoom.us/j/94873817175?pwd=VFRTMitubW1IUmY2Nm05ekk5c1ZPZz09
While entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) are often regarded as spatially bounded resource allocation systems that allocate and mobilise resources for new venture creation, less is known on the underlying process of resource allocation that sustains the development and prosperity of entrepreneurial ecosystems. Following an inductive approach, we conducted a qualitative study on Shenzhen’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. Our findings show that the process of resource allocation in an entrepreneurial ecosystem unfolds in four interconnected themes - resource endowments, resource use, resource dynamics and enabling conditions of resource dynamics. Based on these dimensions, we offer an integrated process model revealing how an entrepreneurial ecosystem mobilises and allocates resources over time. Complementing the “resource-provision” account in extant literature that illuminates the optimal “recipes” of ecosystem resources as sources of competitiveness, we offer a “resource-dynamic” account, which addresses how effective resource allocation, mobilisation and circulation within and outside of the ecosystems may be alternative sources of sustained growth for entrepreneurial ecosystems. We also contribute to the regional entrepreneurship literature by shedding light on the feedback impacts of new venture creation activities on regional resources. Our findings offer implications for governments and entrepreneurs in guiding policy initiatives towards, and measuring the long-term health of, regional entrepreneurial ecosystems.Biography:
石先蔚,清华大学学士(2013),英国剑桥大学硕士(2014)和博士(2019),曾于2018-2019年在伦敦帝国理工商学院创新创业系任博士后研究员,现任上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院组织管理系助理教授。研究兴趣聚焦在企业和区域的创新与创业生态系统演化、治理与竞合,主要使用质性的案例研究方法。论文已发表在 Research Policy, Management and Organization Review, Small Business Economics等刊物。曾获得战略管理学会(SMS)和欧洲管理学会(EURAM)最佳论文奖和最佳博士生论文最终提名奖。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和教育部人文社科青年项目,获得上海市浦江人才计划和上海市晨光计划资助。承担本硕博和MBA等课程教学,并多次获得教学优秀奖励。详见个人主页:https://www.acem.sjtu.edu.cn/faculty/shixianwei.html。Reference:
Shi, X., Shi, Y. 2021. Unpacking the Process of Resource Allocation within an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. Research Policy. In Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2021.104378如有问题请联系侯老师hh@nsd.pku.edu.cn,孙同学sxiaoyan@pku.edu.cn
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