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国际经济学workshop:Networks and Business Cycles
发布日期:2022-03-15 12:00 来源:
Zoom会议号:926 3889 7210
Besides the production linkages, firms learn insights on production from each other through the innovation network. We show that shock's sectoral distribution plays a crucial role in its amplification and persistence when the innovation network takes a low-rank structure.
We estimate a state-space model of the cross-sectional technology shock and document a set of new stylized facts on the structure of the innovation network and sectoral distribution of the shock for the US. We show that the specific low-rank network structure and the time-varying sectoral distribution of the shock can well explain the large variation in the recovery speed across recessions in the US. Finally, to emphasize the prevalence of the channel, we explore the application of the theory in asset pricing.
Wu Zhu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Finance, Tsinghua University. In 2021, he received a Ph.D. in Economics from University of Pennsylvania. And he graduated from CCER, Peking University in 2016 with M.A. His areas of expertise are Network Economics, Corporate Finance, Asset Pricing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Macro, and the Chinese Economy. Moreover, he is particularly interested in topics with a combination of big data and theory. Several of his papers have won best paper awards at academic conferences.
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