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环境与能源经济学讲座:Carbon Leakage within Firm Ownership Networks: Evidence from China’s Regional Carbon Market Pilots
发布日期:2024-06-14 12:00 来源:
环境与能源经济学讲座:Carbon Leakage within Firm Ownership Networks: Evidence from China’s Regional Carbon Market Pilots
摘要:This paper evaluates the carbon leakage of China’s regional emission trading scheme (ETS) pilots. Leveraging firms’ ownership networks and a matched difference-in-differences approach, we examine whether the regionally fragmented ETS pilots lead to emissions and production relocation from regulated firms to their unregulated siblings. We document a 9% increase in carbon emissions of unregulated firms in the same ownership network of ETS-regulated firms. Emission leakage, occurring in both the announcement and trading phases, is driven by regulated firms’ relocation of production activities. Heterogeneity analyses suggest that the leakage mainly happens among low-emission firms, under the mass-based allocation rule, and in areas with low regulatory risks. Finally, accounting for regulated firms and their unregulated siblings, our estimated aggregate effect of China’s ETS pilots on firm emissions is positive and statistically insignificant.
崔静波,昆山杜克大学社会科学部应用经济学长聘副教授,环境研究中心代理联席主任,环境政策硕士项目代理主任,昆山杜克大学首届学位评定委员会委员。崔静波博士的研究方向主要为环境经济学、气候变化经济学与专利创新,近期研究方向围绕低碳技术创新的演进路径,气候风险的识别与量化,碳市场的经济与环境效应。其研究成果发表在经济学国内顶级期刊《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《经济学(季刊)》、《中国工业经济》、《中国社会科学(英文版)》,以及国际权威期刊Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings,Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,American Journal of Agricultural Economics,Environmental and Resource Economics,Journal of Regional Science,China Economic Review等。
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