微观理论workshop: Associative Network in Decision Making

发布日期:2024-05-30 12:00    来源:

时间:5月30日(周四)10:30 a.m.-12:00





题目: Associative Network in Decision Making

摘要:We model associative networks that capture how a decision maker enlarges her consideration set through the mental association between alternatives, and demonstrate how this model serves as a toolbox to understand the impact of mental association on decision making. As a proof of concept, we characterize this model within a random attention framework and demonstrate that all the relevant parameters are uniquely identifiable. Notably, in a novel choice domain where not all observable alternatives are feasible, the presence of infeasible yet observable alternatives can influence the choice frequencies of alternatives through mental association.

主讲人介绍:Rui Tang received his PhD in economics from Princeton University and joined HKUST economics department as an assistant professor in 2021. His research interests include decision theory, behavioral economics, microeconomic theory, and health economics. His papers have been published in peer reviewed journals such as Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Economic Theory, and the Review of Economic Studies.

