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劳动与健康经济学workshop: Does Tightening Access to Subsidised Childcare Aggravate Gender Inequality in the Labour Market?
发布日期:2023-10-27 12:00 来源:
地点:北京大学国家发展研究院承泽园院区 249教室
主讲人:张宏亮 浙江大学
摘要:In this paper, we study the effects of a Dutch childcare reform that tightened access to subsidised childcare on gender inequality in the labour market. Before 2011, as long as both parents were working, Dutch families were entitled to subsidised childcare for children under age 4 with unconstrained maximum hours. In 2012, a childcare reform restricted the maximum hours of subsidised childcare to 140% of hours worked of the least working parent. We employ a triple-difference strategy that combines variation in exposure to the 2012 reform across time and families with and without a toddler-age child. We find the reform has aggravated gender inequality in labour supply within the household. Restricting access to subsidized childcare led to a sizable 11.5 percentage point reduction in the labour force attachment for mothers from the affected families, but had much smaller and insignificant effects for fathers.
主讲人介绍:张宏亮(Zhang Hongliang),浙江大学经济学院百人计划研究员,博士生导师。2009年获得麻省理工学院博士学位,此前分别于2003年和2001年获得明尼苏达大学硕士学位和北京大学学士学位。主要从事经济学微观实证研究,特别是因果推断方法在劳动经济学、公共经济学、发展经济学、城市经济学等领域的应用。研究成果发表于权威经济学综合期刊Journal of European Economic Association,International Economic Review以及Journal of Public Economics,Journal of Development Economics,Journal of Urban Economics等顶尖领域期刊。
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