No. C2003004中国资本外逃的规模与成因

发布日期:2003-03-25 03:12    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院


[关键词] 资本外逃 规模测算  违背协议

[JEL分类号] F21;C82; D92

Measuring and Explaining Capital Flight: A case study of China


The paper addresses the problem of defining and assessing the scale of capital flight from China with 5 alternative measures. It is found that not only all capital flow measures proved to fluctuate in the same way but they did much like FDI. As the traditional view of a reaction to low domestic real returns and to economic and political risks and external indebtedness proves inadequate for China, it then highlights more important factors linked to specific features of the transition process under way, that is, long-term priority to FDI and inefficiency of executing the related laws.

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