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发布日期:2021-11-16 11:14 来源:
近日北大国发院陈春花教授、朱丽助理研究员、刘超助理研究员及合作者陈星汶, 刘军与霍东霞的论文“Workplace Diversity in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Review of Literature and Directions for Future Research”被管理学权威期刊《Asia Pacific Journal of Management》接收。
本研究回顾了工作场所中的多样性研究,并对亚太地区的相关文献领域进行回顾总结和未来研究展望。本文运用科学计量文献分析中共被引、共现分析等方法工具追踪从1993年到2021年“多样性(Diversity)”研究的“景观(Landscape)”是如何演变的。特别的,本文专注于亚太背景下的多样性研究。从亚太领域的相关研究中提取关键信息后,我们将这些文章分为六类:1.人口学特征多样性;2.信息、知识或技能的多样性;3. 价值观、信仰或观点的多样性; 4.董事会性别构成多样性; 5.人口统计学关系;6.多样性断裂带。并总结了关于多样性主题的不同定义、研究层次、理论基础及相关测量和综合模型。
This research uses co-citation and co-occurrence analyses to trace how the landscape of diversity evolved from January 1993 to August 2021, using the scientific visualization tool CiteSpace. Based on a dataset of 636 diversity-related publications in the Asia-Pacific region collected from the Web of Science database, we conduct a bibliometric review to map the landscape, with the focus on identifying landmark researchers, articles, and journals, and the intellectual structure of, and changes in, diversity-related research themes. Further, a narrative review was adopted to summarize the frequently studied diversity themes, to capture the developing trends of diversity research, and to build an integrated model of workplace diversity in the Asia-Pacific context. Based on these findings, this review displays the evolution of diversity literature and uncovers future research directions to spur follow-up diversity studies.
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