
发布日期:2019-06-04 09:21    来源:

  Time: June 6, 2019 (Thursday) 10:00-12:00

  Location: Zhifuxuan Meeting Room, National School of Development, Peking University


  Speaker:Prof. Han JIANG (University of Arizona)


 Cooking the Books or Sleeping Around? Executive Social Capital in the Wake of a Scandal



Scholars have long recognized that executives are often dismissed after scandals. We extend this line of research by exploring the distinct implications of executives’ social capital for their dismissal following a scandal. Using firms’ financial fraud and executives’ personal indiscretion as examples, we highlight that the impact of social capital on dismissal in the wake of a scandal is largely determined by executives’ culpability. Based on a sample of public firms in China, our central finding is that while an executive’s social capital can help reduce the likelihood of being dismissed as a scapegoat following financial fraud, it becomes a liability for executives who engage in personal indiscretion, increasing the likelihood that firms will dismiss these compromised executives.


Prof. Han Jiang is an Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations at The University of Arizona. He earned his PhD in Business Administration from Arizona State University in 2014. His research focuses on social network and social capital, strategic leadership and corporate governance, political connections in internationalization, top management teams and inter-firm alliances. His research has been published in academic journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management and Journal of International Business Studies.