
发布日期:2018-11-16 10:10    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

微观经济学workshop:  :Evolutionary Consumers under Oligopoly




题目::Evolutionary Consumers under Oligopoly


We develop a model of replicator dynamics to study evolutionary consumers under oligopoly. We show that the steady-state equilibrium preserves the properties of a static Cournot model in that the market size is increasing in the number of competing firms and their patience level, but decreasing in their costs. The marketsize also increases with the speed at which the demand side adjusts. Each firm’smarket share is determined by the competitiveness of its cost structure and a decreasing function of the number of competitors. Therefore we validate the robustness of Cournot rationality over the long run to individual short-run behaviors of irrationality. We also show that market exit, as demonstrated in a monopoly setting by Hummel and McAfee (2018), is a zero probability event due to competition.

Key Words: replica, dynamics, evolution, oligopoly, Cournot

主讲人信息: 龚炯简历中英文