
发布日期:2005-02-17 11:34    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院


     宏观经济学是一门研究总合变量的学科;总合变量诸如国民生产额、就业率、投资、物价水准及利率等都是研究的对象。这些变量的决定有各种不同的理论(模型),凯恩斯学派(IS-LM)模型就是其中之一,它强调「价格」(物价水准、工资率)的僵固性,故通常被称为非均衡模型。由于此种非均衡的分析缺少微观经济学的基础,现在已经被经济学界所淘汰了,取而代之的是以微观为基础的均衡学派 (Equilibrium Approach)。
主流的均衡学派讨论宏观经济行为是以代表性家户 (representative household)为主体,在其预算限制下求取效用极大为模型基本架构。为求取效用极大,我们须求出最适条件。至于均衡的概念,将会在后面章节里陆续交待清楚。本课将由最基本的均衡模型──Ramsey模型──开始,说明这些总合变量如何被有系统的决定。

1.      宏观经济理论讲义,霍德明,2005。
2.      Blanchard, O., and S. Fischer, Lectures on Macroeconomics, 1989.
3.      Romer, D., Advanced Macroeconomics, 2nd edition, 2001.
4.      Sargent, T., Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory, 1992.
5.      Walsh, C., Monetary Theory and Policy, 2nd edition, 2003.
姓名:     霍德明
地址:     北京大学中国经济研究中心624室
电话:     (010) 6275-8915
经济学博士 (University of Rochester, 1985)
经济学硕士 (University of Rochester, 1982)
经济学学士 (台湾大学, 1977)
(台湾)政治大学教授 1992 – 迄今
(台湾)政治大学副教授 1990 – 1992
助理教授, Northeastern University, Boston, 1986-1990
助理教授, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1985-1986
助理教授(兼任), University of Hawaii, Honolulu, 1985
政治大学金融系主任 2002 –2004
中华金融学会秘书长,1998 – 迄今
货币市场双月刊主编,1999 – 迄今
经济建设委员会中长期资金审议委员,2000 – 迄今                    
中央存款保险公司咨询委员,2001 – 迄今
台湾金融研训院咨询顾问,2001 – 迄今
富邦金融控股公司顾问,2004 – 迄今
(1)      经济学2000 (与巫和懋、胡春田、熊秉元合着),双叶书廊,台北,1996。
(2)      经济学概论 (与巫和懋、胡春田、熊秉元合着),双叶书廊,台北,1999。
(3)      货币银行学,东华书局,台北,2001。
(4)      东亚金融危机与台湾,收录于「从危机走向复苏---东亚能否再度起飞」,于宗先、徐滇庆合编,社会科学文献出版社,北京,2001。
(1) “Observational Equivalence of Overlapping-Generations and Cash-In-Advance Economies,” Economics Letters, Vol. 25, pp.9-13, 1987.
   (2) “Money and Interest in a Cash-In-Advance Economy: A Corrigendum,” Econometrica, Vol. 60, no. 2, pp.435-439, 1992.
(3) “Sunspots and Overlapping Generations: A Simple Example ,” Taiwan Economic Review, Vol. 23, no. 1, pp.289-298, 1993.
(4) “Do Bank Runs Exist in the Diamond-Dybvig Model?” (with Min-Teh Yu) Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol. 150, no. 3, pp.537-542, 1994.
(5) “Stationary Sunspot Equilibria in a Cash-In-Advance Economy,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 19, pp.831-843, 1995.
(6) “Inflation and Capital Accumulation in a Two-Sector Cash-In-Advance Economy,” Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 19, no. 1, pp.103-115, 1997.
(7) “Monetary Confidence and Asset Prices,” International Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 5, no. 4, pp.363-376, 1997.
(8) “Taiwan: Financial Crisis in East Asia,” in From Crisis to Recovery: East Asia Rising Again? ed. by T. Yu and D. Xu, World Scientific, 2001.
(9) “A Note on the Optimum Quantity of Money,” (with Shi-Feng Chuang) Economic Letters, Vol. 79, pp.269-276, 2003.
(10) “Legal Restrictions and Sunspots: A Further Inquiry on the Real-Bills Doctrine versus the Quantity Theory Debate,” (with Shi-Feng Chuang) Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 431-442, 2004.
(11) “Inflation and Capital Accumulation in a Monetary Hecksher-Ohlin Economy,” (with Shi-Feng Chuang) Journal of Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2005 (forthcoming).