sidenav header background国发院2019届毕业典礼
毕业典礼演讲| 林毅夫:这是全世界更需要智慧和团结的时刻
发布日期:2020-06-29 11:16 来源:
This is the moment when the world needs more wisdom and cooperation than ever before
Dean Yao, fellow students, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,
I would like to congratulate the 38 students who have completed all the requirements and will get their degree at this commencement. It is a landmark in your life, because it shows that you have the determination and ability to complete the challenges of this program. You should be proud of yourself.
The commencement is held in a very special moment of our time, because only a few of you are able to participate in person. Most of you participate in this commencement online, because now the world is facing the challenges of COVID-19 pandemic, which hits every corner of the world. During the past 6 months, about 10 million people have been infected and about half million people have passed away because of this disease. I am delighted that all of our students are safe and healthy.
The pandemic is a reminder of the vulnerability of humanity. It is also a call for cooperation because we know we cannot claim the victory over this pandemic unless every country wins the victory over it.
It is also an alert, because in addition to COVID-19, we will have other pandemics in the coming years. Not only this pandemic, we also face other challenges in the global scale, for example, climate change, poverty, and hunger. Therefore, we need to have cooperation and development in order to overcome all the challenges.
For these challenges, China can be a model of success, because 40 years ago, China was one of the poorest countries in the world, but I am sure in a few years, China will become a high-income country.
This pandemic first outbroke in China about 6 months ago. At that time, we did not know how deadly and contagious this COVID-19 was, but now China is the first country to return to normal life very soon. The experience of China can give each of us the confidence that we can overcome any kind of challenges at present and in the future.
The programs of ISSCAD give our students this confidence and ability, because during your studies at ISSCAD, the teachers and the students share the experiences.
You are the elite in your countries. You commit yourself to bring prosperity to your nations. The ISSCAD programs give you the confidence and ideas about how to work together to meet the challenges and to claim the victory for your country and for the world.
At this moment, I would like to congratulate all of you again and also to thank your family for supporting you to attend this program. I would like to thank our colleagues who work diligently to offer the courses, and to thank our staff who help make the programs running smoothly. I would like to thank your governments for allowing you to take leave to attend the program. Certainly, I would also like to thank the Chinese government, especially the China International Development Cooperation Agency and the Ministry of Commerce for the support to this program.
Thank you very much!
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