毕业声 | Chigaru Farai Anthony Muga:我们将把所学应用到我们国家的发展中

发布日期:2020-06-29 11:12    来源:

题记:2020年6月27日,北京大学国家发展研究院暨南南合作与发展学院2020届毕业典礼在北京大学朗润园举行,南南学院2017级博士毕业生,来自马拉维的Chigaru Farai Anthony Muga代表南南学院38位毕业生发表感言。

Today I am humbled to speak on behalf of my fellow colleagues, as we commemorate our graduation. We would like to thank the Chinese Government for supporting us in our academic journey, and in a very special way we would like to thank President Xi Jinping.

In the words of Albert Einstein, "theory is when we know everything but nothing works, and practice is when everything works but we know nothing", The exciting lectures, adventurous field trips and insightful seminars offered a unique balance of both practice and theory; providing a combined deductive and inductive approach to learning. 

In the line of Adam Smith, we set out from our countries to inquire about the nature and causes of the growth of the Chinese economy; to which extent, we have managed to understand both the macro and micro foundations to China’s economic growth -- we say thank you. 

Sensitive to our countries' differing initial preconditions to growth from China's, it is imperative for us to contextualize these lessons to our individual countries, as one size does not fit all, and should not fit all.

A special recognition ought to go to our Professors and the ISSCAD administration. We acknowledge your unwavering efforts for the support and love we experienced during our academic journey. You shall always be remembered forever. To our supervisors, who worked day in and out to ensure our theses are on track, we salute you.

Lastly, I would like to wish all great health and safety.

