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北大国发院张丹丹老师论文为经济学顶级期刊之一的Economic Journal接受

发布日期:2017-08-21 02:34    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

近日北大国发院张丹丹助理教授及合作者Lisa Cameron教授、Xin Meng教授的论文“China's Sex Ratio and Crime: Behavioural Change or Financial Necessity?”为经济学顶级期刊之一的《Economic Journal》接受发表。



This paper uses survey and experimental data from prison inmates and comparable non-inmates to examine the drivers of rising criminality in China. We find that China's high sex ratios are associated with greater risk-taking, greater impatience and greater neuroticism amongst males. These underlying behavioural impacts explain some part of the increase in criminality. The primary avenue through which the sex ratio increases crime, however, is the direct pressure on men to appear financially attractive in order to find a partner in the marriage market. These marriage market pressures result in a higher propensity to commit financially rewarding crimes.

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