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余淼杰教授合作论文为国际一流期刊《Journal of International Economics》接受

发布日期:2017-08-29 10:49    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

近日,北大国发院余淼杰教授与华中科技大学陈波教授、Caleton大学的郁志豪教授合作的论文“Measured Skill Premia and Input Trade Liberalization: Evidence from Chinese Firms”为国际一流期刊《Journal of International Economics》接受。该论文发现中国加入WTO以来,我国中间品关税的下降导致了中国制造业企业内部白领-蓝领工人工资差异的扩大,并提供了一个机制进行解释:中间品关税的下降使得企业利润上升,而企业内部白领工人获利更多,因此扩大了白领-蓝领工人工资差异。该论文为理解我国目前收入差距的相对扩大提供了一个视角。

Abstract: Using Chinese firm-level production data, this paper develops a Mincer (1974)-type approach to investigate the impact of input trade liberalization on firms' wage inequality between skilled and unskilled workers (or skill premium). When controlling for product-market tariffs in a firm's industry, we find robust evidence that reduced input tariffs in a firm's industry are associated with a higher skill premium at firms

with more skilled workforces. This effect is more pronounced at ordinary(non-processing) firms. We also provide evidence that reduced input tariffs in a firm's industry are associated with higher value added and profits at firms with more skilled workforces.

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