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马京晶老师的两篇学术论文被国际会议接受并将发表在国际期刊Advances in Consumer Research上

发布日期:2016-10-09 11:36    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

北京大学国家发展研究院市场营销学助理教授马京晶的两篇学术论文 “When Choosing the Best Brings out the Worst: Maximizing Increases Cheating Due to Greater Perceptions of Scarcity “ 和 “He’s Just Not That Into Anyone: The Impact of Sex Fantasy on Attraction” 被营销类国际顶级会议Association for Consumer Research Conference接受,并应邀演讲。这两篇文章也将在营销类国际期刊 Advances in Consumer Research (Vol. MMXVI, 2016) 上发表。马京晶老师于2015年在美国西北大学凯洛格商学院市场营销系获取博士学位,2015年7月加入北京大学国家发展研究院。她的主要研究领域是消费者决策与判断,消费者网上购物决策与眼动分析,体验营销,品牌与个性。

When Choosing the Best Brings out the Worst: Maximizing Increases Cheating Due to Greater Perceptions of Scarcity

Kelly Goldsmith, Caroline Roux, and Jingjing Ma

Striving for the best, or a maximizing mindset, is often advocated as an ideal in many life domains. But how far are consumers willing to go when striving for the best? Three studies demonstrate that activating a maximizing mindset increases cheating behavior because it elicits greater perceptions of scarcity.

He’s Just Not That Into Anyone:The Impact of Sex Fantasy on Attraction

Jingjing Ma and David Gal

Sex fantasies are ubiquitous in our lives and their impact on romantic relationships is complex and controversial. One field and three lab studies show that fantasizing about sex produces a devaluation of romance which, in turn, demotivates individuals to engage in romantic relationship as the latter demands too much effort.