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刘国恩,北大博雅特聘教授、北大中国卫生经济研究中心主任、北大全球健康发展研究院院长、教育部经济学长江学者特聘教授。他曾任职美国南加州大学,美国北卡大学(终身职),北大光华管理学院(教授)。曾任中国留美经济学会主席,国际药物经济学会亚太联合会首任主席。刘国恩教授目前还担任国务院国家医改专家咨询委员会委员,中国医学科学院学部委员,国际健康经济学英文学术期刊《Health Economics》(SCI)副主编。
Robert Burns (Wharton School) and Gordon G Liu (Peking University), China's Healthcare System and Reform, Cambridge University Press, 2017
重点科研项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目 (2019-2024)
Shanquan Chen, Xi Chen , Xiaohui Hou, Hai Fang, Gordon G. Liu , Lijing L. Yan. “Temporal trends and disparities of population attributable fractions of modifiable risk factors for dementia in China: a time-series study of the China health and retirement longitudinal study (2011–2018),” The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, Volume 47, June 2024, 101106.
Xinyi Yang, Xiying Li , Shengyue Qiu, Chaojie Liu , Shanquan Chen , Haohai Xia , Yingchao Zeng, Lin Shi, Jie Chen, Jinkun Zheng , Shifang Yang, Guobao Tian , Gordon Liu, Lianping Yang. “Global antimicrobial resistance and antibiotic use in COVID-19 patients within health facilities: A systematic review and meta-analysis of aggregated participant data”, Journal of Infection, Volume 89, Issue 1, July 2024, 106183.
Qin Zhou, Karen Eggleston, Gordon G Liu. “Health insurance and subjective well-being: evidence from integrating medical insurance across urban and rural areas in China”, ealth Policy Plan. 2024 Jun 3;39(6):564-582
Gordon G Liu, Xiaoyun Peng, Hanmo Yang, Junjian Yi. “How much does government’s short-term response matter for explaining cross-country variation in COVID-19 infection outcomes? A regression-based relative importance analysis of 84 countries”, BMJ Public Health, Volume 2, Issue 1, 17 February 2024.
Dean T Jamison, Gordon G Liu, et al . “Global health 2050: the path to halving premature death by mid-century”.The Lancet Commissions, Volume 404, Issue 10462p1561-1614October 19, 2024
Gordon G. Liu, Haijing Guan, Nan Peng, Shitong Xie, Kang Wang, Larry Z. Liu, Yanbing Zhou, Huajie Jin . “Key Issues of Economic Evaluations for Health Technology Assessment in China: A Nationwide Expert Survey”, Value in Health, Volume 27, Issue 11, November 2024, Pages 1535-1543.
Nan Xiao, Ran Li, Shanshan Li, Yudan Yu, Fan Yang1, Jianan Yang, Gordon G Liu, Beini Lyu, “Associations of serial negative income shock and all-cause mortality: a longitudinal study in China”, BMJ public health, Volume 2, Issue 2, 22 October 2024.
Ziting Wu, Gordon G. Liu, Xinchen Ye, Chengyuan Hua, Shanshan Li, “Alcohol Drinking and Psychological Health Outcome: A Cross-Sectional Study in an Underdeveloped Region of China”, European Journal of Psychology Open, Vol. 83, No. 2, June 25, 2024.
Nan Xiao, Gordon G. Liu ,“Unintended effect of reduced patient cost sharing: evidence from China”. Applied Economics, 10 Jun 2024.
Shanshan Li, Shaoxi Pan, Shaoxiang Jiang, Jung-Im Shin, Gordon G Liu, Beini Lyu “Prescription medication use among patients with type 2 diabetes in the United States: 1999–2020”, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 2024 Jul;26(7):2933-2944.
11. Haoxiang Lin, Nan Xiao, Shujun Lin, Meng Liu, Gordon G Liu, “Associations of hypertension, diabetes and heart disease risk with body mass index in older Chinese adults: a population-based cohort study”, BMJ Open. 2024 Jul 9;14(7):e083443.
Ziting Wu, Jiangxia Yu, Beini Lyu, Haoxiang Lin, Shanshan Li, Gordon G Liu.” Alcohol Consumption Patterns for Excessive Drinkers in a Multi-Ethnic Society Short Running Title: Drinking Patterns and Health Education”, Risk Management and Healthcare Policy , Volume 17, 2024, 1577-1586.
Shaoxi Pan, Shanshan Li, Shaoxiang Jiang, Jung-Im Shin, Gordon G Liu, Hongyan Wu, Beini Lyu, “Trends in Number and Appropriateness of Prescription Medication Utilization Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in the United States: 2011–2020”, The Journals of Gerontology. 2024 Jul 1;79(7): glae108.
S Zhou , Z Liang, Q Li, W Tian, S Song, Z Wang, J Huang, M Ren, G Liu, M Xu, Z-J Zheng, “Individual and Area-Level Socioeconomic Status, Life’s Simple 7, and Comorbid Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer: a Prospective Analysis of the UK Biobank Cohort”, Public Health. 2024 Sep:234:178-186.
Cheng Huang, Gordon G. Liu, Zhejin Zhao, “Coming out of the pandemic: What have we learned and what should we learn?” China Economic Review, Volume 78, April 2023, 101931.
Yang-Qing Zhan, Gordon G. Liu, et al. “Efficacy and safety of Lianhua Qingwen capsules combined with standard of care in the treatment of adult patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 (FLOSAN): protocol for a randomized, double-blind, international multicenter clinical trial”, J Thorac Dis. 2023 May 30;15(5):2859-2872.
Chen Chen, Gordon Guoen Liu, Tangxin Wang, Jialong Tan, “Ex-ante moral hazard and health insurance: Evidence from China's urban residence basic medical insurance scheme”, Health Econ. 2023 Nov;32(11):2516-2534.
Yingyao Chen, Kun Zhao, Gordon Liu, Wen Chen, “Health technology assessment to inform decision making in China: progress, challenges, and sustainability", BMJ. 2023 Jun 15:381:e068910.
Haoxiang Lin, Min Li, Li Xiao, Chun Chang, Gordon G Liu, “Efficacy of personalised text message intervention in reducing smoking frequency and amount for non-abstinent smokers: A double-blind, randomised controlled trial”, J Glob Health. 2023 Oct 27:13:04133.
Gordon Liu, Junjian Yi , Ye Yuan, Shaoyang Zhao. “The Short- and long-run effects of medical malpractice lawsuits on medical spending and hospital operations in China”. Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume 51, Issue 4, December 2023, Pages 1142-1161.
Xuxi Zhang, Lizi Lin, Xinying Sun, Xiaoyan Lei, Gordon G Liu, Hein Raat, Yi Zeng, Development and Validation of the Disability Index Among Older Adults, The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, Volume 78, Issue 1, January 2023, Pages 111–119.
Meijiao Wang, Xiaotong Chen, Yu Sun, Qi Wang, Gordon Liu. “Functions, advantages and challenges facing private healthcare organisations in China's healthcare system: a qualitative analysis through open-ended questionnaires”, BMJ Open. 2023 Jun 19;13(6):e069381.
Samantha A Vortherms, Gordon G. Liu, “Hukou as benefits: Demand for hukou and wages in China,” Urban Studies, 2022, vol. 59, issue 15, 3167-3183.
Zhang TT, Gordon G. Liu,. Et al., “Cost-effectiveness of folic acid therapy for primary prevention of stroke in patients with hypertension,” BMC Med. 2022 Oct 25;20(1):407.
Qin Zhou, Qing He, Karen Eggleston, Gordon G Liu, “Urban-Rural Health Insurance Integration in China: Impact on Health Care Utilization, Financial Risk Protection, and Health Status,” Applied Economics, 2022, 54: 22.
Xuxi Zhang, Lizi Lin, Xinying Sun, Xiaoyan Lei, Gordon G Liu, Hein Raat, Yi Zeng,” Development and validation of the Disability Index among older adults," J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2023 Jan 26;78(1):111-119.
Chengxiang Tang, Jiayi Jiang, Yuanyuan Gu, Gordon Liu., “Amending the Law for Licensing Medical Practitioners of China in 2021: A Commentary,” Health Systems & Reform, 2022, 8:1 2022 Jan 1;8(1):e2048438.
Ziting Wu, Fengchao Liang, Xi Chen, Gordon G. Liu, Guoxing Li, Lin Tian, Qun Guo, Chuan Yang, Zijun Zhou, Xiaochuan Pan, Yang Liu h., “Hospital admission risks and ambient fine particulate matter exposure in Beijing, China,” Atmospheric Environment, Volume 288, 1 November 2022, 119291.
Liu GG., Huang ZY., and Xin Q., “Cost-Effectiveness of Oral Antidiabetic Drugs: A Prospective Multicenter Study of Real-World Patients,” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Article ID 9972386, 2021.
何庆红,赵绍阳,刘国恩, “医药分开对医药费用和医疗质量的影响”.《世界经济》,2021年12月。
Jiang S., et al., “Incorporating future unrelated medical costs in cost-effectiveness analysis in China,” BMJ Global Health, 2021, forthcoming.
Zhou Q., Eggleston K., and Liu GG., “Healthcare Utilization at Retirement in China,” Health Economics, 2021, forthcoming.
李珊珊,岳爱,刘国恩,孙宇,“母亲外出务工对儿童早期发展的影响研究”, 《劳动经济研究》,2021年9卷第2期。
Nie P. et al., “Income-related health inequality among Chinese adults during the COVID-19 pandemic,” International Journal for Equity in Health, 2021, 20, Article number: 106.
Liu GG., TANG CX, et al., “Will high-speed railway influence the healthcare seeking behavior of patients? Quasi-experimental evidence from China,” Health Policy and Planning, 2021.
Myerson R., Liu GG, et al., “The Impact of Government Income Transfers on Tobacco and Alcohol Use: Evidence from China,” Economic Letters, Jan 2020, 186: 108855.
Yao Y., Liu GG, et al., “On-the-job training and organizational performance: Analyses from medical institutions in China,” China Economic Review, April 2020, 60: 101396.
Liu GG., Wu E. et al., “The Development of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) in Asia: Current Status and Future Trends,” Value in Health Regional Issues, May 2020, 21: 39-44.
Wang MX., Liu GG, et al., “The role of mediation committee in solving medical disputes in China,” BMC Health Services Research, 2020, 20, 225.
Zhou Qin, Qin XZ, and Liu GG., “Relative Income and Mental Health among Chinese Adults: Evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study,” Review of Development Economics, July 1, 2020.
Chen C., Liu GG., et al., “Health-Related Quality of Life and Associated Factors Among Oldest-Old in China,” J of Nutrition, Health & Aging, January, 2020.
Liu GG. and Chen Xi, “China in transition: health, wealth, and globalization,” The LANCET Public Health, September 2019.
Myerson R., Liu GG, et al., “Cancer Diagnosis and Care among Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China,” BMJ Global Health, 2019;4:e001923.
Koch M., Butt T., Liu GG. et al., “Characteristics and health burden of the undiagnosed population at risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in China,” BMC Public Health, 2019, 19, 1727.
Liu GG., Shepherd J. et al., “Characteristics of Patients with Dyslipidemia Treated in Routine Care Setting in China,” Journal of Drug Assessment, Oct 2019, 8(1):192-198.
Butt T, Liu GG. et al., “Taking stock of cost-effectiveness analysis of healthcare in China,” BMJ Global Health, 2020, 4:e001418.
Yao Y, Liu GG. et al., “Disease and disparity in China: a view from stroke and MI disease,” International J for Equity in Health, June 11, 2020.
Shang P, Liu GG. et al., “Association Between Medication Adherence and 1-year Major Cardiovascular Adverse Events After Acute Myocardial Infarction in China,” JAHA, 2019 May 7;8(9):e011793.
Wang Pei, Liu GG. et al. “Valuation of EQ-5D-5L Health States: A Comparison of Seven Asian Populations,” Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 2019, 19(4).
An RP, Liu GG., et al., “Dietary habits and cognitive impairment risk among oldest-old Chinese," Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 2019, 74(3): 474-483.
王雅楠 ,刘国恩等,“溶栓治疗急性心肌梗死的药物经济学研究,”《中国药物经济学》,2019
Shi J, Yao Y., and Liu GG., “Modeling Individual Healthcare Expenditures in China: Evidence to Assist Payment Reform in Public Insurance,” Health Economics, 2018, 27(12):1945-1962.
Jin XJ., Gerstein HC, Liu GG., et al. “Minimally important difference and predictors of change in quality of life as measured using the EQ-5D among Chinese Type 2 Diabetic Patients: A community-based survey in China,” Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews, 2018, July.
Li Hong, Liu GG., et al., “Recent Pricing Negotiations on Innovative Medicines Pilot in China: Experiences, Implications, and Suggestions,” Value in Health Regional Issues, 2018: 133-137.
Jin X, Liu GG, Gerstein HC, Levine MAH, Steve K, Guan H, Li H, Xie F, “Item reduction and validation of the Chinese version of diabetes quality-of-life measure (DQOL),” Health Qual Life Outcomes, 2018, 16:78
Hu XF, Liu GG., and Fan M., “Long-Term Effects of Famine on Chronic Diseases: Evidence from China’s Great Leap Forward Famine,” Health Economics, 2017, 26(7): 922–936.
An RP, Liu GG., et al., “Dietary habits and cognitive impairment risk among oldest-old Chinese," Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 2017, forthcoming.
Liu GG., Vortherms SA., and Hong XZ, “China’s health reform update,” Annual Review of Public Health, 2017, 38: 431-448.
Liu GG., “Building A National Health System,” China Economic Quarterly, 2017, 21(1): 16-23.
Liu GG., et al., “How Much Does Social Status Matter to Longevity? – Evidence from China’s Academician Election,” Health Economics, 2017, 26(3):292-304.
Luo N., Liu GG. Li M., Guan H, Jin X, and Rand-Hendriksen K., “Estimating an EQ-5D-5L value set for China,” Value in Health, 2017 Apr;20(4):662-669.
An RP and Liu GG., “Cognitive Impairment and Mortality among the Oldest-old Chinese," International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2016, 31: 1345–1353.
Hu XF, Liu GG., and Fan M., “Long-Term Effects of Famine on Chronic Diseases: Evidence from China’s Great Leap Forward Famine,” Health Economics, 2016, Jun 16. doi: 10.1002/hec.3371.
Stevens W., Liu GG., et al., “Estimating the future burden of cardiovascular disease and the value of lipid and blood pressure control therapies in China,” BMC Health Services Research, 2016, 16(1):175.
Liu GG., Xue XD., Yu C., Wang YF., “How does social capital matter to the health status of older adults? Evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Survey,” Economics and Human Biology, 2016, 22: 177-189.
Zhou Q., Liu GG., Krumholz S., “Is Chinese National Health Insurance Effective in the Face of Severe Illness? A Perspective from Health Service Utilization and Economic Burden,” Social Indicators Research, 2016, 2016: 1-23.
Fan M, Lei Z, and Liu GG., “Discounting of Medical Savings Accounts,” American J of Health Economics, 2016(4): 161-183.
Xuejing Jin., Liu GG., et al., “Is bad living better than good death? Impact of demographic and cultural factors on health state preference,” Quality of Life Research, 2016, 25(4): 979-986.
Zhou Qin, Liu GG. et al., “The Impact of Health Insurance Cost-Sharing Method on Healthcare Utilization in China,” China Journal of Social Work, 2016, 9(1): 38-61.
何泱泱、刘国恩、徐程, “中国职业隔离与性别工资差异的变化趋势研究,” 《经济科学》,2016年第4期。
Pan J., Lei XY, and Liu GG., “Health Insurance and Health Status: Exploring the Causal Effect from A Policy Intervention,” Health Economics, 2016, 25:1389-1402.
Li Q, Liu GG., and Zang WB, “The Health of Left-behind Children in Rural China,” China Economic Review, 2015, 36:367-376.
Wang P, Li MH, Liu GG, Thumboo J., and Luo N, “Do Chinese have similar health-state preferences? A comparison of mainland Chinese and Singaporean Chinese,” European J of Health Economics, 2015 (16): 857–863.
Xu J., Liu GG. et al., “A comparison of outpatient healthcare expenditures between public and private medical institutions in urban China: an instrumental variable approach,” Health Economics, 2015(24): 270-279.
Liu GG., Chen YQ, and Qin XZ., “Transforming rural healthcare through information technology: an interventional study in China,” Health Policy and Planning, 2014 (8): 975-985.
Liu GG., Wu HY., Li MH., Gao C., and Luo N., “Chinese time trade-off values for EQ-5D health states,” Value in Health, 2014 (17): 597–604.
潘杰,刘国恩,尹庆双,“医疗体制管办分开与服务供给,”《经济学报》,2014 (1):33-50.
Liu GG and Krumholz S., “Economics of health transition in China,” The Oxford Companion to the Economics of China, edited by Ravi Kanbur et al., Oxford University Press, 2014.
Qin XQ, Pan J, and Liu GG., “Does participating in health insurance benefit the migrant workers in China? an empirical investigation,” China Economic Review, 2014 (30): 263-278.
DiBonaventura M, Yuan Y, Lescrauwaet B, L'Italien G, Liu GG., “Multicountry burden of chronic hepatitis C viral infection among those aware of their diagnosis: A patient survey,” PLOS ONE, Jan 21, 2014.
黄源,刘国恩,刘跃华等,“精神分裂症的疾病经济负担:基于广州医保数据的分析,”《中国卫生经济》,2014(5): 62-65.
Wu J., Xu J., Liu GG., “Pharmaceutical pricing: an empirical study of market competition in Chinese hospitals,” PharmacoEconomics, 2014 (32):293-303.
Gao C., Xu F., Liu GG., “Payment reform and changes in health care in China,” Social Science & Medicine, 2014 (111): 10-16.
Chen G, Liu GG., and Xu F., "The impact of the urban resident basic medical insurance in China on health services utilization," PharmacoEconomics, 2014 (32): 277-292.
赵绍阳,臧文斌,傅十和,刘国恩,“强制医保制度下无保险人群的健康状况研究,”《经济研究》,2013 (7): 118-131.
刘国恩,“践行三中全会改革要义: 深化国家医改,谨防误读盲区,”《经济科学》,2013年第六期。
Li H., Liu GG., Glaetzer C., “Financing innovative medicines in China: the role of commercial health insurance,” Chinese Studies, 2013 (3): 128-133.
Pan J., Liu GG., and Gao C., “How does separating government regulatory and operational control of public hospitals matter to healthcare supply?” China Economic Review, 2013 (27):1–14.
伍红艳,刘国恩,“生命质量量表不同计分方法对评价结果的影响,”《中国卫生经济》,2013 (8).
Lai W, Hu S., Hou J, Liu GG., “A novel estimation of the impact of treatment with entecavir on long-term mortality, morbidity and healthcare costs of chronic hepatitis B in China,” Value in Health Regional Issues, 2013 (2):48-56.
樊敏杰,刘国恩,李林, “医疗机构产权性质对医疗费用的影响,”《中国经济问题》,2013 (5):59-69.
Pan J, Qin X, Liu GG., "The impact of body size on urban employment: evidence from China." China Economic Review, 2013 (27): 249-263
Luo N, Li M, Liu GG et al., “Developing the Chinese version of the new 5-level EQ-5D descriptive system: the response scaling approach,” Quality of Life Research, 2013(4): 885–890.
潘杰,雷晓燕,刘国恩,“医疗保险促进健康吗?”《经济研究》,2013 (4): 130-142.
Qin XZ and Liu GG., “Does the U.S. healthcare safety net discourage private insurance coverage?” European J of Health Economics, 2013 (3): 457-469.
Liu YJ, Xue YJ, Liu GG., and Ma AX., "Development of foreign invested hospitals in China: obstacles and coping strategies," Journal of Hospital Administration, 2013(2): 142-150.
Zhao ZY, Liu GG., et al., “Hospital costs of adverse events in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer,” Journal of Cancer Therapy, 2013 (4): 153-158.
符一男,刘国恩,朱琳,马爱霞,“七价肺炎结合疫苗的药物经济学评价,”《中国卫生经济》, 2013(1).
官海静,刘国恩,熊先军, “城镇居民基本医疗保险对住院服务利用公平性的影响,”《中国卫生经济》,2013(1).
臧文斌,赵绍阳,刘国恩,“城镇基本医疗保险中逆向选择的检验,”《经济学季刊》,2012, 12(1):47-70.
薛新东,刘国恩,“社会资本决定健康状况吗?”《财贸经济》,2012(8):113-121 。
Liu GG et al., “The burden of illness for patients with viral hepatitis C: evidence from a national survey in Japan,” Value in Health, 2012, 15(1).
秦学征,刘国恩, “医疗保险对劳动力市场的影响:综述分析,”《经济学动态》, 2011(12):116-121。
Pan Jay and Liu GG, “The determinants of Chinese provincial government health expenditures: evidence from 2002-2006 data,” Health Economics, 2012(21): 757–777.
潘杰,秦学征,刘国恩,“体形对城市劳动力就业的影响,” 《南开经济研究》,2011;
刘国恩,蔡春光, 李林, “中国老人医疗保障与医疗服务需求的实证分析,”《经济研究》,2011(3): 95-107.
甘犁,刘国恩,马双, “基本医疗保险对促进家庭消费的影响,”《经济研究》,2010.
王鹏,刘国恩, “健康人力资本与性别工资差异,”《南方经济》,2010年(9):73-84.
Qiu Y., Fu A, Liu GG., and Christensen D., “Healthcare Costs of Atypical Antipsychotic Use for Patients with Bipolar Disorder in a Medicaid Program,” Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 2010, 8(3):167-177.
Liu GG., Zhang SF ,and Zhang ZY., Investing in Human Capital for Economic Development in China, published by World Scientific, 2010.
Liu GG., Fukuda T., Lee CE. et al., “Evidenced-based Decision Making on Medical Technologies in China, Japan, and Singapore,” Value in Health, 2009, 12(3): S12 - S17.
刘国恩, “全民医疗保障与保民生促增长,” 《理论前沿》, 2009, 16: 5-8.
Liu GG., Li L., Hou X. et al., “The role of for-profit hospitals in medical expenditures: evidence from aggregate data in China,” China Economic Review, 2009, 20: 625-633.
Lin W., Liu GG., and Chen G., “The Urban Resident Basic Medical Insurance: a landmark reform towards universal coverage in China,” Health Economics, 2009, 18:S83-S96.
Liu GG., “Beijing’s perspective: the internal debate on health care reform,” published by the Center for Strategy and International Studies (CSIS), Washington DC., 2009.
李林,刘国恩,“我国营利性医院发展与医疗费用研究,”《管理世界》,2008, 10: 53-63.
Liu GG., Eggleston K., and Hu TW., “Emerging health economics and outcomes research in Asian Pacific Region,” Value in Health, 2008, 11:s1-s2.
Liu GG., Dow W., Fu AZ., Akin J., and Lance P., “Income productivity in China: on the role of health,” Journal of Health Economics, 2008, 22: 22-44.
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