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北大博雅青年学者、国发院经济学副教授(长聘)、国家海外引才计划青年项目入选者、国发院科研主管。北京大学数学学士、经济学双学士、硕士,斯坦福大学经济学博士;曾任教于美国约翰-霍普金斯大学。研究兴趣为:社会与经济网络、微观经济理论、机制设计、发展经济学等;十余篇论文发表在 PNAS, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, RAND Journal of Economics, Theoretical Economics和《经济研究》、《经济学》(季刊)等国内外顶尖学术期刊。应邀在剑桥、耶鲁、普林斯顿、芝加哥、NBER等进行学术报告。为Nature, PNAS, AER, Econometrica, QJE, MS, JASA等四十余本国际期刊审稿近百篇。
硕博研究生:高级微观经济学I、社会与经济网络; 本科生:社会与经济网络导论
The Incentive Complementarity between Formal and Informal Enforcement (with Matt Jackson) [2024], Journal of the European Economic Association, 22(5), 2294–2328.
Negotiations with Multidimensional Uncertainty and the Efficiency of Integrated Deals (with Matt Jackson, Hugo Sonnenschein, Christis Tombazos & Omar Al-Ubaydli), Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, forthcoming, doi:10.1086/733777.
A Screening Perspective on Experimental Zones (with Chen Cheng) [2023], China Economic Review, 77, 101881
Implementing Optimal Outcomes through Sequential Auctions (with Fanqi Shi) [2022], RAND Journal of Economics, 53(4), 703–732
Which Networks Permit Stable Allocations? A Theory of Network-Based Comparisons (with Chen Cheng) [2022], Theoretical Economics, 17(4), 1473–1499
Intermediated Implementation (with Anqi Li) [2020], European Economic Review, 123, 103387.
Culture-Dependent Strategies in Coordination Games (with Matt Jackson) [2014], PNAS, 111, 10889-10896.
Ordering Sellers in Sequential Auctions (with Qiang Gong & Xu Tan) [2014], Review of Economic Design, 18(1), 11-35.
Auctions with both Common-Value and Private-Value Bidders (with Xu Tan) [2011], Economics Letters, 111(1), 99-103
允许先行先试还是一刀切禁止?——非正式经济、国家能力与民间创新(合作者:程琛),《经济学》(季刊),2024年第3期 (总第100期),603-708。(封面文章)
“潮涌现象”和产能过剩的形成机制(合作者:林毅夫、巫和懋),《经济研究》,2010年第10期, 4-19。(封面文章)
The Network Effects of Agency Conflicts (with Rakesh Vohra & Wu Zhu), American Economic Review, reject & resubmit
From Authority-Respect to Grassroots-Dissent: Degree-Weighted Social Learning (with Chen Cheng, Xiao Han, Xin Tong & Yusheng Wu), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, revise & resubmit
Screening Network Information: Optimal Network Interventions under Asymmetric Information (with Fanqi Shi and Litian Chen)
A Theory of Multiplexity: Sustaining Cooperation with Multiple Relations (with Chen Cheng & Wei Huang)
Who Shares Risk with Whom and How? Endogenous Matching and Informal Risk Sharing
Screening with Network Externalities (with Fanqi Shi)
Communication with Discretion (with Chen Cheng & Jin Li)