师资队伍展开 / 收起
张帆- 电子邮件:zhangfan@nsd.pku.edu.cn
The Exceptional Performance of Chinese Outward Direct Investment Firms, with Wei Tian, Miaojie Yu, China Economic Journal, 9:2, 209-219, 2016.
To “Sustaining Growth of the People’s Republic of China,” with Justin Yifu Lin, Asian Development Review, 32(1), 31-48, 2015.
China's Long-Run Exchange Rate: A Time Series Estimation,” first author, with PAN, Zuohong, International Journal of Public Administration, 30: 149-157, 2007.
“The Role of Home-Market Effects on China’s Domestic Production,” first author, with PAN, Zuohong, in FLEISHER, Belton M., LI, Haizheng, and SONG, Shunfeng, ed., Market Development in China: Spillovers, Growth and Inequality, Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2007.
“Home Market Effect and Its Impact on Production and Trade: An Empirical Study of China and the US, first author, with PAN Zuohong, in BAO, Shuming, LIN, Shuanglin, and ZHAO Changwen, ed., The Chinese Economy After WTO Accession, Hampshire UK/Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2006.
“Determination of China’s Long-run Nominal Exchange Rate and the Official Intervention,” first author, with PAN, Zuohong, China Economic Review, 15, 2004, 360-365.
“Agglomeration Economics in Chinese Cities: an Empirical Study,” with PAN, Zuohong, in CHEN, Aimin, LIU, Gordon G., and ZHANG, Kevin H. ed., Urban Transformation in China, Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2004.
“Urban Productivity in China,” with PAN Zuohong, Urban Studies, 39(12), 2267-2281, 2002.
“Forms of Inter-Organizational Networks: Structures and Processes,” with OSBORN, R. N., DENEKAMP, J. G., etc., in the proceedings of European Science Foundation Conference, Berlin, Germany, September, 1993.
Marginal Opportunity Cost Pricing for Wastewater Disposal: A Case Study of Wuxi China. EEPSEA (Economic and Environment Program for Southeast Asia) Research Report Series, July 1999.
Pricing Wastewater Treatment in China. Policy Breif, Economy and Environment Program for Southeast China. 1999.
The impact of Multinational Enterprises on Economic Structure and Efficiency in China, with Zheng Jingping, submitted to the Washington Center for China Studies, June, 1998.
“美国地方政府债务监管及对我国的启示”, «西南金融»。2015年第7期。
《政府限制城市规模产生扭曲》。财新网。2013年12月02日。“Distortions of Government’s Restrictions on City Size,” Caixin Net, December 2, 2013. http://opinion.caixin.com/2013-12-02/100612170.html. In Chinese.
“工资上升导致企业出口强度降低”。中国财经报网。2013年7月13日。“Rising Wages Results in Decline in Firms’ Export Intensity,” China Finance and Economics Network, July 13, 2014. www.cfen.com.cn. In Chinese.
“对国民实行国民待遇”。FT中文网,2012-12-20。“National treatment to Nationals,” U.K. Financial Times on Line. December 20, 2012. In Chinese.
城市化:中国发展的关键一步,FT中文网,2012年6月28日。“Urbanization: A Key Step in China’s Development,” U.K. Financial Times on Line. June 28, 2012. “http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001045237. In Chinese.
“用价格机制解决交通拥堵问题的设想”,《决策与信息》杂志,2011年12月。“Using Price Mechanism to Solve Traffic Congestion Problems,” Decision Making and Information, December, 2011. In Chinese.
Market Liberalization in Key Industries, with Liu, Pucheng, for NBER-CCER conference, June 2011.
中国企业对人民币升值免疫?FT中文网《CMRC朗润经济评论》,2010年11月18日。“Are Chinese Firms Immunize from RMB Appreciation?” FT on Line, CMRC Langrun Economic Forum, Nov. 18, 2010. In Chinese.
企业对汇率升值的反应。北京大学国际家发展研究院,“CMRC 中国经济观察”,总第23期,2010年10月23日。“Firms’ Responds to Exchange Rate Appreciation.” National School of Development, Peking University, CMRC China Economic Forum, 23, Oct. 23, 2010. In Chinese.
贵州发展战略:国际经验。亚洲开发银行援助《贵州省级发展战略》项目,待发表。Development Strategy for Guizhou: International Experience. Asian Development Bank, Development Strategy for Guizhou province, Forth coming. In Chinese.
“实验经济学”,载宋顺峰、潘佐红主编«西方人文社科前沿述评:经济学» 中国人民大学出版社,2008年。Experimental Economics, in SONG, Shunfeng and PAN, Zuohong ed., Economics, Renmin University Press, 2008, in Chinese.
“本土市场效应及其对中国省间生产和贸易的影响“,第一作者,与潘佐红合作,经济学季刊,第5卷,第2期,2006年,307-328页。“Home Market Effect and It’s Impacts on China’s Inter-Province Production and Trade,” first author, with PAN, Zuohong, China Economic Quarterly, 5(2), 2006, 307-328,in Chinese.
“中国的物质资本和人力资本估算”,经济研究,2000年第8期,65-71页。“Estimates of China’s Physical and Human Capital,” Economic Research, 8, 2000,65-71, in Chinese.
“跨国公司对中国经济结构和效率的影响”,与郑京平合著,第一作者,经济研究,1999年第1期,45-52页。“The Impacts of Multinational Companies on China’s Economic Structure and Efficiency,” Economic Research, 1, 1999,45-52, in Chinese, with Jingping Zheng.
“模拟竞争市场的建立和生长:中国民用航空业的管制改革和市场竞争“,载林毅夫,海闻,平新乔主编,«中国经济研究»,北京大学出版社,2000年。"Regulation Reform and Market Competition in Civil Airline Industry in China,” in LIN, Yifu, HAI, Wen, and PING Xinqiao ed., Chinese Economic Research, Peking University Press, 2000.
“规制理论与实践:对我们的启示”,经济学消息报,1995年4月22日、29日。“Theory of Regulation: enlightenment”,Economic Information, April 22 按到29, 1995.
“台湾国际贸易的沿革”,载易纲主编,«台湾经济与中国经济改革»,中国经济出版社,1994年。 “The Evolution of International Trade in Taiwan,” in YI, Gang ed., Taiwan’s Experience and China’s Economic Reform, China Economic Press, 1994, in Chinese.
The Institutional Evolution of China: Government Vs. Market. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. September 2018. In English.
China’s Urbanization and the World Economy. Cheltenham, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. May 2014. In English.
《产业飘移》,北京大学出版社,2014。Industrial Shifts, Peking University Press, 2014. In Chinese.
«宏观经济学»,与易纲合著,梁晶工作室编辑,中国人民大学出版社,2008年。Macroeconomics, with YI, Gang, Renmin University Press, 2008. In Chinese.
«环境与自然资源经济学»,上海人民出版社,第一版1998年,第二版2007年。Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, in Chinese, People's Publisher of Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 1st version 1997, 2nd version 2007. In Chinese.
«大众市场经济学»,与田国强合著,上海人民出版社,1993年。Market Economics for the Masses, with TIAN, Guoqiang, in Chinese, People's Publisher of Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 1993. In Chinese.
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