毕业典礼演讲 | 南南学院硕士毕业生Al Habsi:让世界因我们而更美好

发布日期:2024-06-26 01:25    来源:

Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Faculty, Esteemed Guests, and Fellow Graduates,

Today, we stand on the edge of a new chapter, ready to turn the page from our education to the boundless possibilities that lie ahead. It’s an honor to speak here today as we celebrate this milestone together.

Our journey to this moment has been filled with countless hours of studying, moments of doubt, and, importantly, moments of victory. We’ve navigated challenging courses, balanced activities, and built lifelong friendships. Through it all, we’ve grown not just academically, but as individuals, ready to face the world with resilience and optimism.

Reflecting on our time here, I’m reminded of the power of community. Our successes are not just our own; they are shared with the families who supported us, the professors who inspired us, the ISSCAD staff who guided us, and the classmates who collaborated with us. It’s their encouragement and belief in our potential that have propelled us forward.

As we step into the future, we carry with us lessons learned beyond textbooks and lecture halls. We’ve discovered the importance of commitment, the value of diverse perspectives, and the strength found in unity. These are the tools that will guide us in whatever paths we choose to follow.

Today is not just an end but a beginning. We are equipped with knowledge, but more importantly, we are equipped with the courage to use that knowledge to make a difference. Whether we become leaders in our fields, innovators of new technologies, or advocates for change, each of us has the potential to impact the world in meaningful ways.

Let’s embrace this moment with gratitude and pride. Gratitude for the opportunities we’ve had, the mentors who’ve guided us, and the experiences that have shaped us. Pride in our accomplishments and the person each of us has become.

In closing, I’d like to share a quote from Nelson Mandela: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” As graduates, we now hold this powerful weapon. Let’s use it wisely, with integrity, and with a commitment to making the world a better place.

Congratulations to the Class of MPA. Our journey is just beginning, and the future is ours to shape.

Thank you.
