马京晶老师的文章被管理学核心旗舰期刊Harvard Business Review接收发表

发布日期:2021-04-28 08:13    来源:

北京大学国家发展研究院市场营销学助理教授马京晶的合作文章“How Xiaomi Became an Internet-of-Things Powerhouse”被管理学核心旗舰期刊Harvard Business Review(HBR)接收发表。

Yang, Haiyang, Jingjing Ma, and Amitava Chattopadhyay (2021), “How Xiaomi Became an Internet-of-Things Powerhouse,Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2021/04/how-xiaomi-became-an-internet-of-things-powerhouse#

英文摘要:Xiaomi’s growth path differs from conventional strategic thinking. While we are often taught that a firm’s strategy should be based on either cost leadership or differentiation and must serve either a few needs of a broad segment or broad needs of a narrow segment, Xiaomi is clearly an outlier. It differentiated on multiple frontiers and at the same time attained cost leadership. It achieved these through strategic coalescence — by coalescing with consumers and partners, which erected and continuously fortified barriers to entry on both the demand and supply sides. This resulting sustainable competitive advantage catapulted Xiaomi forward at warp speed.

中文摘要:小米的成长路径不同于传统战略思维下的发展路径。传统路径下,一个企业的战略应该基于成本领先战略或差异化战略。此外,企业或是在一个大市场中满足少部分需求,或是在一个小市场中满足大部分需求。而小米是一个异类-它在多个领域脱颖而出,同时实现了成本领先。该文系统分析了小米是如何成为“异类”的,他的成长路径被称为“strategic coalescence”。

该文是基于长达一年半的案例研究,二手数据分析,实地考察和访谈调研形成。相关案例同时被哈佛案例和INSEAD案例收录发表 (见下)。案例配有丰富的采访视频、教学指导、习题、课件PPT等 (注册账户后可以下载)。

1)Yang, Haiyang, Jingjing Ma, Neal Roese, and Amitava Chattopadhyay (2021), “Market Disruption Strategies: The Transformation of Xiaomi,” INSEAD Case No. 6608; INSEAD Teaching Note No. 6608. https://publishing.insead.edu/case/xiaomi

2)Yang, Haiyang, Jingjing Ma, Neal Roese, and Amitava Chattopadhyay (2021), “Market Disruption Strategies: The Transformation of Xiaomi,” Harvard Case No. IN1717; Harvard Teaching Note No. IN1717. https://hbsp.harvard.edu/product/IN1717-PDF-ENG

3)Yang, Haiyang, Jingjing Ma, Neal Roese, and Amitava Chattopadhyay (2021), “市场颠覆战略:小米的转型之路”INSEAD Case No. 6608 (中文版). https://publishing.insead.edu/case/market-disruption-strategies-transformation-xiaomi-chinese


Yang, Haiyang是Johns Hopkins University的副教授,Amitava Chattopadhyay是INSEAD教授。

马京晶是北京大学国家发展研究院的管理学助理教授、木兰青年学者。她于2015年在凯洛格商学院市场营销系获取博士学位。她的主要研究领域是消费者决策与判断,公益行为与环保行为,消费者信心与幸福感。马京晶的研究成果曾被发表在世界顶尖级学术期刊上,其中包括消费者研究杂志(Journal of Consumer Research), 营销研究杂志(Journal of Marketing Research), 消费者心理杂志(Journal of Consumer Psychology), 和哈佛商业评论(Harvard Business Review)。马京晶的学术成果曾被多家权威媒体报道,其中包括世界经济论坛、华尔街日报 、亚特兰大、科学美国人、当代心理学、新浪网等。
