谢绚丽副教授的合作论文为管理学国际顶级期刊Organization Science接受发表

发布日期:2020-07-09 02:09    来源:

北大国发院谢绚丽副教授的合作论文《The Effect of Contract Detail and Prior Ties on Contract Change: A Learning Story》为管理学国际顶级期刊Organization Science接受发表。

Despite the large literature on alliance contract design, we know little about how transacting parties change and amend their underlying contracts during the execution of strategic alliances. Drawing on existing research in the alliance contracting literature, we develop the empirical question of how contract detail and prior ties influence the amount, direction and type of change in such agreements during the collaboration. We generated a sample of 115 joint ventures by distributing a survey to JV board members or top managers and found that the amount of contract change is negatively associated with the level of detail in the initial contract but is positively associated with the number of prior ties between alliance partners. In relation to the direction of contract change, we find that the level of detail of the initial agreements negatively correlates with the likelihood of removing or weakening existing provisions and that prior collaborative experience positively correlates with the likelihood of strengthening of existing provisions or adding of new ones. We also find that prior ties affect the type of change in that JV parents prefer to change enforcement provisions more so than the coordination provisions in the contract. Our paper generates new insights on the complementarities between relational governance and transaction costs economics (TCE) perspectives on alliance contracting.



谢绚丽, 北京大学国家发展研究院管理学副教授,北京大学互联网金融中心高级研究员,美国北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校(The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)战略管理博士,北京大学工商管理学士、硕士。研究方向:创新创业、战略转型、企业国际化等。
