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发布日期:2019-02-28 10:41 来源:
近日,林毅夫教授有两篇论文为国际经济学学术期刊接受。其中与波士顿大学苗建军教授、香港科技大学王鹏飞教授合作论文“Convergence, Financial Development, and Policy Analysis”被经济学国际一流期刊Economic Theory接受。
We study the relationship among inflation, economic growth, and financial development in a Schumpeterian overlapping-generations model with credit constraints. In the baseline case money is super-neutral. When the financial development exceeds some critical level, the economy catches up and then converges to the growth rate of the world technology frontier. Otherwise, the economy converges to a poverty trap with a growth rate lower than the frontier and with inflation decreasing with the level of financial development. We then study efficient allocation and identify the sources of inefficiency in a market equilibrium. We show that a particular combination of monetary and fiscal policies can make a market equilibrium attain the efficient allocation.林毅夫教授另外一篇与中南财经政法大学龚强教授、中山大学张一林教授合作论文“Financial Structure, Industrial Structure, and Economic Development: A New Structural Economic Perspective”在经济学国际期刊The Manchester School上面发表。
We investigate the evolving relative importance of banks and equity markets during different stages of economic development. Unlike previous studies, we propose a demand‐side theory on the appropriate financial structure for an economy. We show that a bank‐based financial structure is more appropriate than a market‐based structure for developing countries, and that for developed countries, a market‐based financial structure is more appropriate than a bank‐based structure. This is due to the industrial structures of countries and the different advantages of banks and equity markets for serving the real economy. Our findings are consistent with recent empirical facts and provide new perspectives to understand the structural change of a country’s financial system.
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