
发布日期:2009-07-04 09:44    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

杨壮 博士





Email:Yangzhuang@Gmail.com, Jyang@BiMBA.edu.cn

Tel:    (8610) 6275-3101 (O)   (86)13701319166 (Mobile)




1986—1991         哥伦比亚大学工商管理学博士(PhD),美日比较管理

1984—1985         哥伦比亚大学社会学硕士(MA),组织体系和组织功能

1982—1984         普林斯顿大学,WWS,公共事务与国际关系硕士(MPA)

1978—1981          社会科学院研究生院,新闻研究所硕士(MA)

1971—1974         北京大学英语语言文学学士(BA)




1991.9—2008.10     美国纽约Fordham大学商学院副院长、管理学终身教授。课程包括:企业战略、管理学原理、跨文化与人力资源管理;跨国公司成功关键因素,比较全球企业文化特质、人力资源体系与组织架构,全球领导力理论+实践。



2008.10至今        北京大学国家发展研究院/中国经济研究中心,北大国际MBA国际院长,管理学教授

2001.9—2008.10     Fordham大学商学院副院长,北大国际MBA美方院长,






2009.2              锻造领导力,北京大学出版社


2009.2              魂商(翻译),华夏出版社


2008.6              做一个有影响力的人,中国机械出版社


2007.7              管理——未名之道,北京大学出版社


2006.7              将帅之道(翻译),中国社会科学出版社


2005/2006/2007.12    《展望中国》的投稿作者,中国经济研究中心编辑出版

Feb., 2005        Managing in an age of complexity: quantum skills for the new millennium. With Professor Charlotte Shelton of Rockhurst University, Helzberg School of Management and Tony Liu of Peking University. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management (Volume 23, No.2 2005)

Nov. 2004         Preface to the book, Chinese edition “Successful Mergers, acquisitions and Strategic Alliances—how to bridge corporate cultures” by Charles Gancel, Irene Rodgers and Marc Raynaud, published by The McGraw-Hill companies, 2005

Jun-Aug, 2004     Key Factors Influencing HRM Practices of Overseas Subsidiaries in China’s Transition Economy. With Professors of John Farley of Dartmouth College/China-Europe International Business School and Scott Hoenig of Fordham University GBA.International Journal of Human Resource Management June-August (2004)

Sept 2002         U.S. and Japanese Personnel Management Features and their implications to Chinese Firms (in Chinese). From: Elite Forum, 2nd Volume, collection of speeches delivered on Hong Kong’s Pheonix TV station, on the  most up-to-date and burning issues in Chinese economic reforms. Published by the Liao Ning People’s Publisher.

Mar/Apr, 1999     When MNCs Come, Who Changes Whom? With Professors of John Farley of Dartmouth College/China-Europe International Business School and Scott Hoenig of Fordham University GBA. China Business Review (CBR), March/Apirl (1999). 

Mar, 1999         Influences on MNC Strategies and performance in China.Advances in Chinese Industrial Studies, Vol. 6, JAI, Spring (1999). 

Feb, 1999         The Evolving Face of Chinese Consumers- What Will They Want Next?With Professors of John Farley of Dartmouth College/China-Europe International Business School and Scott Hoenig of Fordham University GBA. Harvard China Review , Winter issue (1999).

Feb, 1999         Human Resource Management Strategies of U.S. and Japanese Firms and their relevance to Chinese companies (in Chinese).  Comparative Economic and Social Systems, a leading Chinese research journal on critical issues of economics and business in China, No.2 (1999).

Nov/Dec. 1998     Critical Success Factors of Multinational Firms in China,Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol.40(6) 633-668 (Nov/Dec, 1998)

Sept., 1994       The Transfer of Japanese-style Management to America Subsidiaries: Contingencies, Constraints, and Competencies (with Schon Beechler of Columbia University). Journal of International Business Studies, Volume 25, number 3, pp. 467-491 (1994)

July, 1994        The Japanese Approach to Quality Management --A Human Resource Perspective. Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol.7, No.3 pp.44-64 (1994)

Jan. 1994:        Contemporary Problems and Future Prospects of Transforming State-Owned Chinese Enterprises into Share-holding Companies. Modern China Studies (in Chinese), No. 1, Vol. 40, the Center for Modern China, Princeton, NJ. pp. 50-56 (1994).

July, 1992        Americanization or Japanization of Human Resource Practices--A Study of Japanese Manufacturing Plants and Service Firms in the U.S. Advances in International Comparative Management, 7: 77-115 (1992)

Jul/Aug, 1992     Organizational and Environmental Impact on the Use of Japanese-Style HRM Policies in Japanese Firms in the U.S. The International Executive, 34:4 321-343 (July/August 1992). 

May, 1993         HRM Policies and Practices of U.S. and Japanese Firms Operating in the U.S. , with David Lewin of UCLA, Industrial Relations Research Association (IRRA) 44th Annual conference Proceedings. Pp. 344-351


Research in

Progress          A Comparative Analysis of Current and Ideal Organizational Cultures in the United States and the People’s Republic of China: Convergence, Divergence or Corssvergence? With Professors of Charlotte Shelton and Myles Gartland of Rockhurst University, Helzberg School of Management. 




2008/2009          北大经济双学位终极+工具价值观调查,样本量:700


2007               瑞士诺华制药公司领导力现状,调查案例 (访问、面谈)


2006               中国医院高管医生人力资源管理现状研究,样本量:1100


2005               EMBA、MBA及企业高管领导风格调查比较 样本量:800


2004                                              Korn Ferry/BiMBA企业高管离职原因调查,样本量:350
