
发布日期:2009-01-09 07:00    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

Internship opportunity  in SG China 法兴银行

The company
SG Group was founded in 1864, it is one of the leading financial services groups in the Euro zone with 144 year-experience in Banking area and the10th largest French company by market cap. (EUR 46,2 bn). 
SG Group is pursuing a profitable growth policy based on the selective development of its core activities (Retail banking & Financial Services, Global Investment Management & Services, Corporate & Investment Banking)through a combination of organic growth and acquisitions, and is drawing on a strong capacity for innovation geared towards satisfying its customers. 
Continuing its growth and globalization strategy, the Société Générale group gathers nearly 151,000 employees, working in 82 countries. SG recognizes and promotes all talented people, regardless of their native country, their sex, their culture and their profile. Our employees' professional development is a priority and we have strong policies of career management, mobility and training in the whole Group, to be adapted to the needs of our different business lines and of our employees. 

 企业与投资银行业务 - 下设5家分行 – 北京、上海、广州、天津、武汉
 法国兴业银行私人银行 -法国兴业银行从事私人财富管理的部门
 华宝兴业基金管理有限公司 -中-法合资基金管理公司
 法兴(上海)融资租赁有限公司 –专门从事融资租赁业务

Business: Consumer Finance:

Societe Generale Consumer Finance (SGCF) provides a complete range of global credit offers for retail customers in 27 countries through numerous local brand names. Since 2001, SGCF’s consumer credit business has grown rapidly in various parts of the world, both organically and through strategic acquisitions. SGCF is now a leading global player in the field and a strategic business line for the SG Group.

About SGCF in China :

SGCF in China is operated as one of the four business lines of SG China Inc.. We intend to offer all our products and services to local Chinese residents, who are not necessarily banking with SG China Inc., as long as they have needs in buying either goods or services and, are qualified for getting consumer credit. Our key competitive advantage would be our deep understanding of consumer behavior and higher standard of services. SGCF China is committed to offer different kind of consumer credit products and services, such as car loan and point-of-sales (POS) installment loan in the Chinese consumer environment.

Internship: 3- 6 months

Time:  Starting Jan/Feb 2009, 3 to 6 months; Part time, but at least 3 days per week
Focus: Market analysis and research of financial product

l Bachelor degree or last year of university, major in Finance/ economics/ marketing           
l Good at research and analysis
l Good English speaking and writing ability      
l Good communication and interpersonal skill
l Strong market sense               
l Has internship experiences before         

If you are interested to the intern opportunity, please submit your CV and application to:

career@ccer.edu.cn with subject of "Intern at SGCF"