
发布日期:2003-06-10 07:51    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院


·我们帮助中国, 亚洲, 以及世界各地的大公司胜出它们的竞争对手, 大幅及持久提升其经济效益

·贝恩公司的专业顾问务实, 容易合作, 注重将战略及行动转化为实际的经济效益

·贝恩公司的一个根本原则,就是专业顾问必须以客户的效益与成功为参照,来衡量他们的成绩-而且, 我们董事报酬的发放是以此为基础的


·我们在中国, 亚洲以及全球各地有着良好的客户服务业绩
  如需了解公司更多信息, 请登录www.bain.com

Intern Recruiting

Whom do we look for? 
- 2nd, 3rd, 4th-year undergraduate and graduate students 
- Excellent analytical skills 
- Strong and mature in communication 
- Team player 
- No restrictions on major/department

What do we offer? 
- Ample on-job training opportunities working in a real case team 
- Dedicated trainings including modeling, interview and professional graphics skills 
- Pleasant and flexible working environment 
- Market-based competitive compensation

Number of openings 
- About 20 internship

Recruiting schedule 
- Resume deadline              June 17, 2003 
- Interview (telephone)       June 24-27, 2003
- Notification date (successful applicants only)   July 1, 2003

Interested candidates,

please go to www.bain.cn, and submit your application online.