2014.9-2020.7 硕博连读博士生 北京大学国家发展研究院(导师:马京晶教授)
2017.9-2018.9联合培养博士生 芝加哥大学布斯商学院 市场学系与行为科学系 (导师: Christopher K. Hsee 奚恺元教授)
2010.9 – 2014.7 人力资源管理学士 中国人民大学劳动人事学院论文发表
马京晶, 莫子川*, 石晓伟 (2020), “负面社会推理对消费者购买行为的影响,” 南开管理评论, 23 (2), 155-166.
Mo, Zichuan, and Jingjing Ma (2017), “When Compensatory Consumption Backfires: The Pain and Pleasure of Experiential Purchases”, Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 45, 1075.
Guan, Yanjun*, Peng Jiang, Zhen Wang*, Zichuan Mo, and Fei Zhu (2017), “Self-Referent and Other-Referent Career Successes, Career Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention Among Chinese Employees: The Role of Achievement Motivation,” Journal of Career Development, 44(5), 1-15.
莫子川,杨思琪 (2015), “阿里:适时而变的转型逻辑,” 北大商业评论, 7, 56-65.
Li, Yuhui, Yanjun Guan*, Fuxi Wang, Xiang Zhou, Kun Guo, Peng Jiang, Zichuan Mo, Yumeng Li, and Zheng Fang (2015), “Big-Five Personality and BIS/BAS Traits as Predictors of Career Exploration: The Mediation Role of Career Adaptability,” Journal of Vocational Behavior, 89(August), 39-45.
Guan, Yanjun*, Sylvia X. Chen, Nimrod Levin, Michael H. Bond, Nanfeng Luo, Jingwen Xu, Xiang Zhou, Pei Chen, Chendi Li, Ruchunyi Fu, Jiawei Zhang, Yueting Ji, Zichuan Mo, … & Xue Han. (2015). Differences in Career Decision-Making Profiles Between American and Chinese University Students the Relative Strength of Mediating Mechanisms Across Cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46(6), 856-872.工作论文
Ma, Jingjing, David Gal, and Zichuan Mo*, “Increasing PSA Effectiveness: Two Solutions to Message Acceptance with Negative PSAs”, under 3rd-round review at Journal of Business Research.
Mo, Zichuan, Yuanjie Zhao, and Jingjing Ma*, “When Lifestyle Advertising Hurts Luxury Brands”, R&R at Journal of Advertising.
Mo, Zichuan, Jingjing Ma*, and Ryan Hamilton, “When Compensatory Consumption Backfires: The Pain and Pleasure of Experiential Consumption”, under review at Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Ma, Jingjing , Zichuan Mo*, “The Double-Edged Effect of the Maximizing Mindset on Variety Seeking Behaviors”, preparing for submission at Journal of Consumer Research.
“Differential Evaluation Modes for Anthropomorphized and Non-Anthropomorphized AI Products” with Chris Hsee, data collection.参与课题
北京大学国家发展研究院金融管理博士(DPS, Doctor of Professional Studies in Business)《营销研究方法》课程助教,在课上中文授课3小时。 2019
北京大学国家发展研究院国际E/MBA课程助教:《Marketing Research (MBA)》,《Consumer Behavior (MBA)》,《Marketing in China (MBA)》,《Marketing Management (MBA, EMBA)》。其中在MBA《Marketing Research》课上英文授课3小时。 2016-2019
北京大学国家发展研究院本科经济学双学位《战略管理学》、《城市经济学》课程助教 2015, 2016
中国人民大学劳动人事学院在职博士生课程《管理学研究方法》,中文授课3小时 2014工作实习
咨询顾问助理(实习),怡安翰威特(北京)有限公司 商务拓展部 2015
市场研究员(实习),高力国际地产咨询公司 市场调研部 2014
研究助理(兼职),壳牌(中国)有限公司与中国人民大学劳动人事学院 2013
营销科学与应用国际论坛博士生论坛“华夏青年学者”奖 2019
北京大学优秀科研奖 2015
北京大学“闳材”奖学金 2015
“i创达人”科技创业大赛十佳项目 2015
北京大学专项学业奖学金 2014
中国人民大学优秀论文二等奖 2013
中国人民大学校级三好学生 2011
中国人民大学校级奖学金 2011, 2012, 2013国家发展研究院官方微信
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