2015.9-2020.6 北京大学国家发展研究院
金融学博士 导师:黄益平
2017.8-2018.7 美国康奈尔大学应用经济系
访问学者,导师:Eswar Prasad
2011.9-2015.6 南开大学经济学院经济系
2.Bian, Wenlong, T. Ge, Y. Ji. “Which factor matters for financial crises: Leverage level or leverage growth?”, Applied Economics Letters (2019): 1-5
3.Ge, Tingting. “Time-varying transmission efficiency of China’s monetary policy.” China Economic Journal 12.1 (2019): 32-51.
4.Huang, Yiping, and T. Ge. "Assessing China’s Financial Reform: Changing Roles of the Repressive Financial Policies." Cato Journal, 39.1 (2019): 65-85. (《清华金融评论》转载)
5.Huang, Yiping, T. Ge, and C. Wang. “Monetary Policy Framework and Transmission Mechanism.” (2019) Chapter in the Handbook of China’s Financial System, Edited by Marlene Amstad, Guofeng Sun, Wei Xiong (forthcoming)工作论文
1.Have financial spillovers from China changed? Evidence from deleveraging and trade tensions (with Sarwat Jahan and Fei Han), 2020, work-in-progress as IMF working paper
2.Does Insurtech reshape the market structure of the traditional insurance sector? (with Wenlong Bian, Yang Ji and Xiangnan Wang), 2020
3.Do multiple large shareholders play a governance role in banks (with Wenlong Bian, Yang Ji, and Hao Zhang, 2020), submitted
4.Optimal monetary policy with financial frictions: Evidence from DSGE model参与课题
2018秋季 “Macroeconomics and Global Financial Markets” &“国际金融”助教
2017春季 “高级宏观经济学”助教
2016秋季 “货币银行学”助教工作实习
2019, summer International Monetary Fund, Fund Internship Program, Washington D.C, USA
2018.7-2019.7 International Monetary Fund Resident Representative Office for China, Part-time Economist, Beijing, China
2018.7-《经济学(季刊)》审稿服务 (北京 中国)奖励荣誉
2017-2018 北京大学访问学者奖学金
2016 方正奖学金
2015 北京大学一等奖学金
2015 南开大学优秀毕业生&优秀毕业论文国家发展研究院官方微信
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