[12月7日] 发展和政治经济学Workshop

发布日期:2022-12-06 11:35    来源:
Disguised Pollution: Industrial Activities in the Dark
参与方式:线上(发送自我简介到邮箱 lujing@nsd.pku.edu.cn 获取线上会议信息)
论文摘要:In this study we investigate disguised pollution by industrial firms in China. We find that sulfur dioxide (SO2) readings increase by 10.8% in monitoring stations after sunset in high factory density areas, controlling for station-year and city-hour fixed effects. Physical inspections by the Ministry of Environmental Protection can only temporarily reduce disguised pollution, suggesting that reliance on physical inspections to enforce regulations is ineffective if firms can shift increased production activities to non-daylight hours. We show that direct monitoring, as is done with some large polluters in China, can prevent this and should be cost-effective to extend to all industrial polluters.