[3月18日] 环境、能源与气候经济学workshop

发布日期:2021-03-16 04:05    来源:

环境、能源与气候经济学workshop(第 2 期)




参与老师:(国家发展研究院)徐晋涛、王敏、邢剑炜、易媛媛 (现代农学院)刘承芳


Grassland Ecological Compensation Policy in China: An Evaluation of Ecological, Income, and Inequality Effects

时间:2021年3月18日(周四) 12:00-14:00



侯玲玲,2012年获得美国科罗拉多州立大学博士学位,北京大学现代农学院助理教授、博士生导师。她的主要研究方向为农业资源与环境经济,重点关注资源环境价值评估、草地保护与发展、农村环境政策等方面。截至2020年底,他主持或参与十余项科研项目,共在国内外学术期刊发表近40篇学术论文,包括Energy Economics,Ecological Economics,Climatic Change,Journal of Agricultural Economics等权威期刊。


This paper examines whether Grassland Ecological Compensation Policy (GECP), one of the few pastorally focused payment-for-ecosystem-services (PES) program with large investment and long duration, has accomplished its dual goals to improve grassland quality and increase herder income. Through an analysis of remote sensing and household survey data, this study finds that, although GECP improves grassland quality (albeit to only a small extent) and has a large positive effect on income, the program exacerbates existing income inequality among herders within their local communities. As a result of the program, herders reduced livestock production. However, further increasing payment standard without augmenting other aspects of implementation would not reduce livestock production, but would encourage herders to enlarge farm size by renting in grassland and increase supplementary feedings as responses. Heterogeneity analyses emphasize the importance of suiting flexible and bottom-up implementations to local circumstances.