[10月9日] 计量金融与大数据分析workshop

发布日期:2020-10-09 10:18    来源:

时间:2020年10月9日(周五)9:30-11:30 am


主持人: (国发院)沈燕、黄卓、孙振庭、张俊妮、胡博



题目:Understanding Misreporting: Responses to a Housing Transaction Tax Notch in China

报告摘要:Using proprietary data from a large real estate brokerage company that records both trueand reported prices of its housing transactions, we study misreporting behavior under a housing transaction tax notch. Under an environment with weak enforcement, the tax notch creates a strong incentive for misreporting. We document a unique three-segment misreporting pattern, which is consistent with a simple model that emphasizes the tradeoff between tax-saving and misreporting costs. Exploiting a tax reform that reduced the tax rate above the tax notch, we study the impact of the tax rate on misreporting. Qualitatively, we show that the shift of the whole misreporting pattern to the tax rate change is consistent with the prediction of our model. Quantitatively, using a difference-in-differences approach, we estimate that a one percentagepoint increase in the tax rate is associated with 3.5% to 14.9% less misreporting and 11.1% to 13.7% less tax evasion.

