
发布日期:2019-12-09 10:22    来源:

Investing in the Future Self:

Legacy Motivation Increases Consumer Saving







Legacy motivation is defined as that one wants to leave a mark on this planet and to be remembered by others for a long time. Prior research has discussed the influence of legacy motivation in intergenerational decision-making and organizational behavior. The current research introduces the legacy motivation into the marketing domain and demonstrates its impact on consumers’ financial decisions. Data from a set of 6 studies, including 5 experiments and a secondary dataset, show that legacy motivation can increase consumer saving. Moreover, the underlying mechanism and several moderators have been identified (e.g., consumers’ childhood experience and confidence in the future). The current research contributes to the literature in legacy motivation, financial decision-making, and evolutionary psychology. Also, it sheds light on how enterprises can effectively persuade consumers to make an investment in a scientific manner.


