
发布日期:2019-11-18 09:39    来源:

Neither Hierarchies nor Clans

A Multi-case Study on Community Form of Organizations


Time: November 21, 2019 (Thursday), 12:30-14:00

Location: Zhifuxuan Conference Room, National School of Development, Peking U.

Speaker: Han Yi, Associate Professor at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE).


The fact that many Chinese business organizations incorporate social function units into their structures as well as social services into their practice, surprisingly, has received insufficient attention in organization studies. To theorize an organizational model that originated in state-owned enterprises and diffused to some privately owned and foreign-invested enterprises in China, we empirically studied this phenomenon and explained it from sociohistorical and communitarian perspectives. Our research focuses on organizations as units of analysis yet borrows from features of community studies to shed light on Chinese organizational studies and generate a new conceptual schema through which to view organizations as communities. In our case studies of five firms in four cities, we explained why some Chinese firms chose a community form of organizations in a time of economic reform. We also discuss the generalizability of the community model of organizations and some implications of our research.


韩亦,200812月博士毕业于亚利桑那大学社会学系,现为上海财经大学经济社会学系常任轨副教授,系主任。 研究领域主要是组织社会学和文化社会学。他用经典的社会学理论研究中国企业组织和高校组织;如,1. 他引入组织印记的视角,研究中国国有企业的发展及变迁;2. 他用社会学范式理论研究违法的组织行为;3. 他结合社区研究的视角来研究组织问题,解释和评估组织与社区的反向嵌入等现象。在以上方向在国内外优秀学术期刊上发表论文多篇。目前在他在梳理经济社会学研究的前沿发展,并结合制度主义和组织印记理论来研究中国建设世界一流大学的问题。