
发布日期:2019-11-07 09:33    来源:
题目:The Impact of Air Pollution on Morbidity and Medical Expenditure: Analysis Based on Records of Basic Medical Insurance of Beijing
摘要:Although developing countries have been suffering from the worst air pollution in the world, the morbidity costs of air pollution have not been clearly documented due to data constraint. Based on a confidential dataset of basic medical insurance program for residents in Beijing, the capital city of China, from 2013 to 2016, we identify the contemporaneous effects of PM2.5 on morbidity and medical costs, exploiting day-to-day variations of air pollution from exogenous thermal inversions. We also estimate the heterogeneity in morbidity costs of air pollution across subpopulations based on age and gender. We find that PM2.5 pollution casts larger percentage increases in hospital visits and costs, especially out-of-pocket costs, on older population, while brings higher expenditure of respiratory medication to all the groups. Noticing the characteristic of periodical occurrence of air pollution events lasting for days in Beijing, our episode-based analysis suggests that duration of air pollution plays an important role in the marginal health costs.
Fan Xia is a PhD student in National School of Development, Peking University. Her field is Environmental Economics and Applied Microeconometrics. She obtained the B.A. in Economics and B.S. in Environmental Science from Peking University. Her research has mainly focused on environmental externality of traffic, health impacts of air pollution, and renewable energy.