
发布日期:2019-10-21 04:04    来源:




  主讲人:Brian Viard(长江商学院)


      题目:How Extensive are Air Pollution Spillovers? An Application to China’s Manufacturing Productivity

   摘要:The extent of trans-boundary pollution spillovers versus local effects is a necessary input in evaluating centralized versus decentralized environmental policies. We estimate spillovers of particulate matter smaller than 10 micrograms (PM10) on manufacturing labor productivity in China. A one μg/m3 annual increase in PM10 locally reduces output by CNY 4,613 and an increase at 50 kilometers by CNY 535. The spillovers decline quickly to CNY 83 at 600 kilometers and then slowly to zero at about 1,000 kilometers. The results suggest the need for supra-provincial environmental policies. Our approach allows for a flexible relationship between pollution and outcome as a function of distance and is easily adapted to compare spillover and local effects for other outcomes. To estimate causal effects, it uses a mixed two-stage least squares method that combines the high-frequency (daily) endogenous pollution variable with low-frequency (annual) outcome data. This avoids using annual pollution data which is vulnerable to inter-regional common shocks and insufficient variation.

   主讲人简介:Brian Viard moved to Beijing in 2007 to join the faculty of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB). Prior to that, he was a professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business. Professor Viard’s research focuses on industrial organization economics, economics of strategy, and environmental economics. He has studied the pricing and product strategies of firms in information and technology industries, including the role of product upgrades and complementary goods. In the telecommunications industry, he has examined how entry into local telecommunications markets affects consumer welfare and how competition in cellular phone markets influences technology adoption and pricing. He has also studied whether switching costs make markets more or less competitive and the effectiveness of reward programs in creating switching costs.Professor Viard’s recent work focuses on the determinants of Internet adoption, including provider competition and availability of content. He is also currently examining the economic effects of China’s efforts to reduce automobile pollution and the effect of air pollution on manufacturing productivity. Professor Viard teaches courses on competitive strategy, managerial economics, and information goods markets and is the recipient of CKGSB’s inaugural M.B.A. Best Teaching Award. He received his Ph.D. in Business Economics from the University of Chicago.