
发布日期:2019-10-14 09:33    来源:

  国发院/经院发展与公共财政系列讲座:Patient Mobility and Competition Between Different Health Care Systems




  主讲人:Yaohui Dong

  题目:Patient Mobility and Competition Between Different Health Care Systems

  摘要:In EU, national health care service is provided through a wide range of different systems. A National Health Service system offers patients free of charge according to a waitlist, while a National Health Insurance system uses universal health insurance to cover part of the medical expenses of its population. As the legal and economic barriers to mobility are being removed gradually, the number of patients who seek cross-boarder treatments in another country is expected to grow significantly in the near future. In this paper, we use a Hotelling model where there are two regions adopting the above two different types of public health care systems, to study the impact of patient mobility on the strategic interaction of the two regional health care providers, and on the regional welfare. We first characterize the autarky scenarios where patient mobility is no allowed, and shows that price and waiting time have different welfare impacts on regional welfare. We then explore equilibrium price and waiting time if patient mobility is allowed, and compare with the autarky scenario, and discuss the possible impacts on regional welfare. Results show that waiting time and after-insurance prices play differently in regional welfare maximization, and we provide a richer set of parametric combinations, each corresponds to a unique asymmetric equilibrium that characterizes different scenarios in reality


  Yaohui DONG

  Assistant professor in Economics, School of Economics and Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen.

  Ph.D in Economics, Toulouse School of Economics, Toulouse

  Primary Fields: Applied Microeconomic Theory, Health Economics, Public Economics. Secondary Fields: Industrial Organization, Behavioral Economics, Medical Decision Making

  Research Papers

  1. Reference Dependent Decisions on Noncommunicable Diseases: Prevention, Treatment and Optimal Insurance

  2. Patient Mobility and Competition between Different Health Systems (With Dr. Catarina Goulão, in progress)

  3. Nonlinear Social Health Insurance with Reference Dependent Agents