
发布日期:2019-05-29 09:13    来源:

  Network Formation with Multigraphs and Strategic Complementarities

  时 间:2019年5月29日(周三)15:30 -- 17:00

  地 点:北京大学经济学院301小教室

  主讲人:Sudipta Sarangi


  题 目:Network Formation with Multigraphs and Strategic Complementarities

  摘 要:

  This paper examines the formation of one network Gwhen connections in a second network Hare inherited under two scenarios: (i) His asymmetric allowing for a wide range of networks called nested split graphs, and (ii) His symmetric in Bonacich centrality. The bulk of our paper assumes that both Gand Hare interdependent because the respective actions in each are (weak) strategic complements. This complementarity creates a “silver spoon” effect whereby those who inherit high Bonacich centrality in Hwill continue to have high Bonacich centrality in G. There is however a “silver lining”: depending on the costs of link formation, the formed network Gmay allow for an improvement in centrality. As an application, we introduce an overlapping generations models to analyze intergenerational transmission of inequality through networks. Finally, we explore the implications of actions being strategic substitutes across networks. This can lead to a “leisure class” à la Veblen where well connected agents in Hestablish no links in G, and those with no connections in Hform all the links in G. Our analysis provides insight into preferential attachment, how asymmetries in one network may be magnified or diminished in another, and why players with links in one network may form no links in another network..


  Sudipta Sarangi is the Department Head and Professor of Economics at Virginia Tech. Prior to joining Virginia Tech, he has been a Distinguished Professor of Business Administration at Louisiana State University and a Program Director at the National Science Foundation. His research interests range from network theory and to experimental and behavioral economics. He is a research associate of DIW Berlin, GATE, University of Lyon-St. Etienne and the Lima School of Economics . He has been a consultant to organizations like the World Bank and FAO. He currently serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization , Journal of Public Economic Theory and Studies in Microeconomics .