
发布日期:2019-05-14 10:57    来源:

  Interactive Advertising: The Case of Skippable Ads

  时 间:2019年5月17日(周五)10:30 -- 12:00

  地 点:北京大学经济学院301会议室

  主讲人:Qihong Liu(OU)

  组织人:汪浩 胡岠 胡涛 吴泽南

  题 目:Interactive Advertising: The Case of Skippable Ads

  摘 要:

  The skippable ad format allows a viewer to see a portion of an advertiser's message before having the option to skip directly to the intended content and avoid the remainder of the ad. Under what conditions do viewers forego this option and what are its implications for advertisers and the platform? We develop a dynamic model of a viewer receiving incremental information from the advertiser. This model identifies conditions under which the viewer either skips the ad or, alternatively, engages with the advertiser. We use this model to compare the rates of viewer conversion (with an advertiser) under the skippable and traditional ad formats. We then extend the model to incorporate the advertising market and assess implications of skippable ads on platform strategy. Relative to the traditional ad format, we find that the platform sells unambiguously more advertisements and attracts more viewers on the platform with skippable ads. Under relatively weak conditions, the skippable ad format is profitable for the platform and raises advertiser surplus. We also explore implications of the skippable ad format on advertiser's choice of ad content and on the pricing of ad-avoidance subscriptions.


  Qihong LIU is an Associate Professor of Economics at University of Oklahoma (Full Professor starting in July 2019). He received his Ph.D. in Economics from SUNY Stony Brook in 2003.

  His main research areas are Industrial Organization and Applied Micro, with current research focusing on platforms and two-sided markets, airlines and pricing. He has published in journals including Review of Economics and Statistics, Strategic Management Journal, European Economic Review, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Journal of Industrial Economics. His research has been featured in Bloomberg, Forbes, Harvard Business Review, Insider Higher Ed, Kellogg Insight, MorningStar and Wall Street Journal.

  He is an Associate Editor of the journal Information Economics and Policy, and Special Issue Guest Editor for China Economic Review and Journal of Economics, Race and Policy. He has served on the Board of Directors of Chinese Economists Society in 2016-2017.