
发布日期:2019-05-14 09:49    来源:

  Time: May 16, 2019 (Thursday) 10:00-11:30

  Location: Zhifuxuan Meeting Room, National School of Development, Peking University

  Speaker: Dr. Yuanyuan Li

  The Negative Appeal of Multi-Period Incentive Programs


  Economic theory predicts that an improvement in the financial benefit of a promotional offer should increase the appeal of the offer. Six studies show this is not the case. When a two-period promotional offer includes a second-period incentive that is perceived as restrictive, the negative impact of this restriction can negate the benefits of the second period incentive and make the two-period promotional offer less appealing than a single-period promotional offer. The negative effects of restrictions are more likely to be observed among existing customers and when the second-period promotion is small relative to the first period promotion. The implication is that short-term incentive programs designed to facilitate more frequent shopping may backfire in certain situations.

  About the Speaker

  Yuanyuan Li is an Assistant Professor of Marketing and Electronic Business, School of Business, Nanjing University. She received her PhD in Marketing from KU Leuven. Her prior research focuses on understanding the social and affect influences on consumer decision-making, especially on self-regulation from the perspective of evolutionary psychology, like parenting motivation and baby cues. Her recent work examines how promotion bundling influences perceived value and how stress influences consumer decision-making. Another stream of her recent research interest is health decision making.