
发布日期:2019-05-07 01:59    来源:

  Distance Still Matters: The Geography of Online Medical Consultations in China

  时间: 2019年5月10日(周五)13:30 – 15:00

  地点: 北大国发院致福轩会议室

  主持人: 赵耀辉、雷晓燕、张丹丹、秦雪征、王耀璟、袁野

  报告人: 傅虹桥

  摘要:We analyze the geographic patterns of online medical consultations using transactions data from Haodf.com, which is one of the leading third-party online healthcare platforms in China. We find that distance continues to have a negative impact on the intensity of online medical consultations, though the magnitude of the impact is significantly smaller than that on offline inpatient services. We also find a very strong “home bias” for consulting doctors located in the same prefecture and in the same province, suggesting the existence of an “attraction field” where the intensity of online medical consultation is much greater on the inside. Further analyses show that in-person doctor visits for further examinations and treatments after the online consultation and the trust issue on the Internet may be the main reasons behind the distance effect and “home bias”.

  报告人简介:傅虹桥,北京大学公共卫生学院卫生政策管理系助理教授、副研究员。2018年7月毕业于北京大学国家发展研究院理论经济学(国家发展方向)专业,获经济学博士学位,博士论文获北京大学优秀博士论文奖。2015年10月至2017年2月,美国哈佛大学公共卫生学院访问学者。主要研究领域包括:卫生经济学、卫生政策、互联网医疗等,其研究成果发表在Social Science & Medicine, Health Policy and Planning, 《经济学(季刊)》《中国人口科学》等杂志。目前,担任中国卫生经济学会理论与政策专委会秘书长、世界银行中国医改顾问,同时担任Health Economics, Social Science & Medicine, Health Policy and Planning, Inquiry,《经济学(季刊)》等期刊匿名审稿人。