
发布日期:2019-04-22 01:47    来源:

  微观经济学workshop--Robust Pricing with Refunds

  时 间:2019年4月25日(周四)10:30 -- 12:00

  地 点:北京大学经济学院303小教室

  主讲人:Keiichi Kawai(UNSW)

  组织人:汪浩 胡岠 胡涛 吴泽南

  题 目:Robust Pricing with Refunds

  摘 要:

  We characterize a selling mechanism that is robust to the seller’s uncertainty about the buyer’s signal structure. We show that by offering a generous refund policy the seller can significantly reduce this type of uncertainty and regain market power. A simple mechanism that utilizes a generous refund policy and random discounts achieves the best guaranteed-profit among all possible mechanisms.


  Keiichi Kawai is a Senior Lecturer of Economics in the University of New South Wales. He is also a DECRA Fellow of Australian Research Council. His research focuses on the field of microeconomic theory; specifically, information economics. His research has been published in economic journals, including  American Economic Journal: Microeconomics ,  Economics Letters ,  Economic Theory ,  Theoretical Economics , and  Games and Economic Behavior. He received the Bachelor’degree in Economics from Kyoto University in 2003, Master’s degree in Economics from Kyoto University in 2005 and PhD in Economics from Northwestern University in 2012.