
发布日期:2019-04-08 03:50    来源:

  Time: April 11, 2019 (Thursday) 14:00-15:30

  Location: Small Classroom of Wanzhong Building, National School of Development, Peking University


  Speaker:Prof. Cameron Campbell (康文林) at HKUST

  Family Background and Civil Service Careers in the Late Qing



  We examine the influence of family background on the initial appointment and subsequent career mobility of officials who held examination degrees in the Qing (1644-1911) civil service. We consider three generations of patrilineal family background, including the exam and purchase degrees held by father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, and official positions held by father. We focus on officials with an exam degree because while our own research reveals that officials with an exam degree accounted for only a portion of Qing officials, holders of exam degrees receive most of the attention in the literature on national political elites in historical China and they accounted for a large share of the civilians who did reach high office. The examination system is one of the best-known features of the imperial Chinese state, and the subject of a large literature in its own right because the prominent role of the examination system in the recruitment of officials is central to claims that the system was meritocratic. Mapping the social origins of officials appointed based on exam performance, and understanding how family background and exam performance interacted to shape their subsequent career mobility will inform longstanding debates about the permeability of elites during the Qing. Previous studies mostly take success on the examination system as a proxy for membership in the political and bureaucratic elite and do not consider the actual careers of exam degree holders. For this analysis, we make use of a new longitudinal dataset that describes the careers of Qing officials, the China Government Employee Dataset – Qing (CGED-Q), which we have constructed from quarterly editions of the Jinshenlu (縉紳錄). At present the CGED-Q contains 3,264,058 records of 337,192 civil and military officials between the mid-18th century and the beginning of the 20thcentury. For this analysis, we make use of a subset of the data for the period between 1850 and 1912, where we have nearly continuous coverage. This subset contains 2,397,304 records of 160,820 civil officials. Our multigenerational data on family background is drawn from a database we are constructing from Huishi (會試) and Xiangshi (鄉試) Tongnianchilu (同年齒錄).

  About the Speaker

  康文林(Cameron Campbell),现为香港科技大学社会学部教授、人文社会科学院副院长(主管科研和研究生事务)。康文林获得加州理工学院历史学和工程与应用科学双学士,宾夕法尼亚大学社会与人口学硕士、博士。在2013年加入香港科技大学前,他曾在加州大学洛杉矶分校社会学系任教17年。他的早期研究集中于亲属关系、不平等和人口行为之间的互动。他和李中清等学者合作发表了有关经济、家庭、社会等因素对人口表征影响的多篇论著,涉及中国历史上的结婚、生育、节育、移民、死亡,以及家族网络对社会流动的影响等。相关成果已经出版在诸如美国社会学杂志、美国社会学评论和人口学等顶尖学术期刊中。他亦曾参加欧亚人口和家庭史项目(Eurasian Project on Population and Family History)。在过去二十年来,这个国际项目旨在运用人口数据库研究欧亚历史上的人口、家庭组织、经济和社会分层,其最终成果为由麻省理工大学出版社出版的三卷本著作。目前,康文林和李-康团队的其他成员正致力于建立一个基于清代缙绅录材料的数据库,以研究清代官员的仕途;同时他还参与了该团队一项从清代至今的中国精英教育与社会变迁的集体项目。他曾于2004年获得古根汉奖学金。2017年,他获评教育部长江讲座教授,并在2017-2020年度在华中师范大学任教。


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