
发布日期:2019-04-02 09:39    来源:

  微观经济学workshop: Robustly Optimal Reserve Price

  时  间:2019年4月4日(周四)10:30 -- 12:00

  地  点:北京大学经济学院301会议室

  组织人:汪浩  胡岠  胡涛  吴泽南

  主讲人:Wei He(CUHK)

  题目:Robustly Optimal Reserve Price


  We study a robust version of the single-unit auction problem. The auctioneer has confidence in her estimate of the marginal distribution of a typical bidder’s valuation for the object, but she is uncertain about the joint distribution. Focusing on second-price auctions, we solve for the robustly optimal reserve price that generates the highest revenue guarantee; that is, the greatest lower bound of revenue across all joint distributions that are consistent with the marginals.


  Wei He is an Assistant Professor of Economics in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on the field of microeconomic theory; specifically, game theory, mechanism design, and general equilibrium theory. The central themes of his work are to explore the equilibrium existence issue in various strategic environments, and to study the role of information in shaping competition in social situations. His research has been published in economic journals, including Econometrica , Journal of Economic Theory , Theoretical Economics , and Games and Economic Behavior . He received the Bachelor’degree in Statistics from Peking University in 2010, PhD in Mathematics from National University of Singapore in 2014, and PhD in Economics from the University of Iowa in 2016. He serves currently as an associate editor at Economic Theory , and Economic Theory Bulletin .


If you want to be re​minded each time before our workshop, please send an email to:  micro_workshop@vip.163.com。