
发布日期:2019-04-01 04:57    来源:

  Time: April 4th, 2019(Thursday) 10:00-11:30

  Location: Zhifuxuan Meeting Room, National School of Development, Peking University

  Speaker: Dr. Lili Wang

  Good on paper: How the Medium of Action Influences Self-Control


  The present research explores the effect of using paper (vs. digital device) as a medium of action on self-control. We find that consumers perceive their actions on paper (vs. a digital device) as more as self-diagnostic and thus are more likely to exercise self-control for an action performed on paper.



  About the Speaker

  Dr. Lili Wang achieved her doctoral degree in Anti Economic and Management School, Shanghai Jiaotong University. She was an exchange student at the Georgia Institute of Technology when she was a Ph.D. candidate. She was a post-doctoral fellow in Fuqua business school of Duke University. As a visiting professor, she visited the Hong Kong University of Technology and Kellogg Management School of Northwestern University. Currently, she is an Associate Professor in marketing, School of Management, Zhejiang University.

  Her research interest mainly is on consumer behavior. Recently, she conducted some projects on the impact of interpersonal relationship on self-control, the impact of the interaction between product and consumer on consumer behavior, anthropomorphism and consumer behavior, social sharing, and service delay. Her research published in some high ranked SSCI journals such as  Journal of Consumer Research ,  European Journal of Marketing ,  Psychology & Marketing.  She also published her research on some of Chinese (CSSCI) high reputational journals such as  Management World ,  Nankai Management Review . Her research recently awarded  ACR The Franco Nicosia ACR Competitive Paper (2013) ,  China Marketing International Conference Best Paper (Second Prize )(2016) ,  Excellent Paper in Journal of Management Science (JMS) (2016) and 202018 Emerald Literati Awards .