
发布日期:2019-03-19 11:29    来源:

  时  间:2019年3月22日(周五)10:30 -- 12:00

  地  点:北京大学国家发展研究院致福轩会议室

  组织人:汪浩  胡岠  胡涛  吴泽南

  主讲人:Junjie Zhou(NUS)

  题目:Coordination on Networks


  We study a coordination game among agents on a network, who choose whether or not to take an action that yields value increasing in the actions of neighbors. In a standard global game setting, players receive noisy information of the technology’s common state-dependent value. At the noiseless limit, equilibrium strategies are threshold strategies: each agent adopts if the signal received is above a certain cutoff value. We characterize properties of the cutoffs as a function of the network structure. This characterization allows to partition players into coordination sets, i.e., sets of players where all members take a common cutoff strategy and are path connected. We also show that there is a single coordination set (all players use the same strategies, so they perfectly coordinate) if and only if the network is balanced, i.e., the average degree of each subnetwork is no larger than the average degree of the network. Comparative statics exercises as well as welfare properties are investigated. We show that, in order to maximize aggregate welfare or adoption, the planner needs to target coordination sets and not individuals.


  Junjie Zhou is currently an assistant professor of economics at NUS. Prior to the current position, he was at SHUFE from June 2012 to June 2016.  He received his PhD degree in Mathematics from UC Berkeley in 2012 and bachelor’s degree of Mathematics from University of Science and Technology of China in 2007. His current research focuses on social and economic network, industrial organization and game theory. His research work has been published in Journal of Economic Theory, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, the Economic Journal, Games and Economic Behavior, the Rand Journal of Economics, Operations Research and Production and Operations Management.


  If you want to be re​minded each time before our workshop, please send an email to:  micro_workshop@vip.163.com。