
发布日期:2019-03-15 09:38    来源:

Time: March 21th, 2019(Thursday) 10:00-11:30

Location: Zhifuxuan Meeting Room, National School of Development, Peking University

Speaker: Prof. Jane Lu (吕文珍)


Optimal Diversification: How Organizational Category Affects Audiences’ Evaluation on Firms’ Diversification Strategies


Jane Lu (China Europe International Business School)

Zhou Xiaoyu (Shanghai Technology University)




Prior research on the relationship between diversification and performance has mostly focused on the firm-side characteristics and ignored stakeholder-side influences. Recent developments in organizational theory suggest that a firm’s optimal distinctiveness rests on a constant interplay between managerial agency and stakeholders evaluation and we argue that one possible way for firms to attain optimal diversification is to use audiences’ category taken-for-grantedness. We situate our study in the reactions from two important types of stakeholders, security analysts and mass investors, to diversification of two categories of firms, developed economy firms and emerging market firms. In a sample 2,163 US listed firms in the manufacturing industry between 2003 and 2017, we find that the “diversification discount on legitimacy”, in terms of analyst coverage, is mitigated in the category of emerging market firms but less so among those with less developed institutions while “diversification discount on valuation,” in terms of corporate market value, is mitigated in the category of emerging market firms and is especially so among those with less developed institutions.  


About the Speaker

        吕文珍博士(Jane Lu)是中欧国际工商学院管理学教授、鹏瑞战略学教席教授、中欧新兴市场研究中心主任。加入中欧之前,她在墨尔本大学管理与营销学系担任管理学教授、李白(James Riady)亚洲商业和经济学教席教授。


        吕博士在教学研究领域曾多次获奖,如20152016年战略管理协会会议最佳论文提名奖、2014年美国管理学会Dom Cabral基金最佳论文奖、2008年澳大利亚与新西兰管理协会战略领域最佳论文奖等。