
发布日期:2019-03-11 04:43    来源:

  High-Performing Peers and Female STEM Choices

  In High School

  时间: 2019年3月15日(周五)13:30 – 15:00

  地点: 北大国发院致福轩会议室

  主持人: 赵耀辉、雷晓燕、张丹丹、秦雪征、王耀璟、袁野

  报告人: 王耀璟

  摘要:Women have historically been underrepresented in STEM majors and occupations, a gap that has persisted over time. There are concerns that this is related to academic choices made at an earlier age. The purpose of this paper is to examine how social environment affects women's STEM choices as early as high school. Using student level administrative data from China, we find that having a higher proportion of high-performing female peers in mathematics increases the likelihood that women choose a science track during high school, while more high-performing males decrease this likelihood. In addition, we find that this has persistent effects on college outcomes. Overall, there is little evidence of peer effects for men. Our results suggest that women doing well in quantitative fields may provide an affirmation effect that encourages their female classmates to pursue a science track.

  报告人简介:王耀璟,北京大学经济学院助理教授,于美国Texas A&M大学获得经济学博士学位,此前在香港大学获得数学学士学位。毕业之后两年她在纽约的美国银行 (Bank of America)从事金融风险模型工作。她的研究方向是公共、劳动、教育经济学方向,论文在国际劳动经济学顶级期刊Journal of Labor Economics发表。